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Share your quitting journey

Freedom Train 10/08/16

0 16 70

Good morning fellow EXer's! The Freedom Train is on the tracks, and prepared to make it's daily run to Freedom from smoking! Everyone is invited to come aboard to celebrate their own personal Freedom, and that of their friends!!


Today's Celebrations:

Cpsono (Connie) Has 500 Days today!!!

Diminsion Has 100 Days today!!




Now, we encourage you to come aboard today! Shout out your personal milestones, and those of your friends! Show your pride in your quit! Days, 200 Days or 2000 Days! More, if you have them! Let us hear from you, and let us all celebrate our FREEDOM!! Post food and music! IT IS PARTY TIME!!!

This Train is bound for FREEDOM from the Evils tobacco and smoking!!



What is the Freedom Train? More Here

If you are new here, this vehicle provides a place for everyone to gather to celebrate the milestones and successes of those in our community! There are no tickets! The fuel for this locomotive is love and caring! The rides on this Train are paid for in contributions to the quits of others! The only thing required to ride this Train is a desire to breathe Free! We encourage everyone to join in the celebration! No matter where you are in your quit, today is special, and is cause for celebration! Celebrate with others, and they will celebrate with you! There are no baggage fees! Bring all your "EXtra baggage"! We will help you sort it out!

How do I count my days? 

Your quit info is here

From time to time we do have questions about counting days. While we encourage everyone to celebrate everyday of their Freedom, here at the Freedom Train we count the days you have completed! For EXample I quit on 01/01/2010. On 12/31/2010 I had reached 365 days. However, I had not completed a year until 01/01/2011! 

Where can I sign up?

You can register for the Freedom Train here.

Have a question?

Please feel free to address any questions or suggestions to me at any time!  (Pir8fan)Tommy




Daily Freedom Train Conductors


Sunday: Pir8fan


Monday: YoungAtHeart


Tuesday: JACKIE


Wednesday: Jennifer72113


Thursday: Terrie


Friday: Smorgy



Etiquetas (1)
16 Comentarios

Thank you for picking me up Tommy, it's great to be jumping on in the morning instead of late evening. Congrats to everyone on board especially CP on 500 splendiferous DOF and to Dimension on 100 awesome smoke free days, I thought I was here with 816 days but it's actually 817 wonderful days of freedom, let's keep stacking them up, hip, hip, hooray my friends and fellow Exers ●


Good Morning, Tommy! Thanks for stopping for me!

Congratulations CP on 500 days, you are doing great! and Congratulations to Diminsion on 100 days! Fabulous!

And big congratulations to all of the rest of us quitters/winners! WTG!

Have a great day everyone! I am riding with 460 days!

Don't Quit on your Quit!

Let's eat!

See you in the dining Car! 


Congratulations everyone! I've been looking forward to this train ride! Especially proud of all of you reaching major milestones, like you, Connie. Hope Matthew stays away on your big day. And you, Diminsion. 100 days is huge! Hope you guys aren't on diets this morning, cause over at my table we have:

Have a great ride and enjoy the limelight - you deserve it.


Wow Tommy!

what a great looking spread!  So Sebastian and I are out and about this morning, enjoying some of this early autumn air.  Can we gacch a ride today?

I'm Pops & I'm riding on a 137 days of freedom today...



Good Morning and thanks for picking me up Tommy.

But, I'm it Sunday?           Well, whatever day it is congrats to all the winnners riding today.

My appetite is being stupid again so nothing sounds good to me to eat.          I guess I'll just have to share my Boost


Well, maybe I could force myself to eat a Krispy Kreme.........I'll pick the one that is both Tommy and my favorite........



I have 1160 DOF..........


Congratulations to everyone on board today and thanks for stopping to pick me up, Tommy.

I am catching the train this morning with 993 DOF.


Howdy, Tommy! Thanks for picking me up and providing such an awesome spread of goodies. Big congratulations to Connie and Diminsion on trememdous quits! Way to go, both of you! You deserve a big celebration today. I climb aboard with 49 days of freedom, each one more precious than the last. Let's enjoy our train ride and celebrate our FREEDOM!


To my precious family here at EX...Oh my, what can I say?  500 days of freedom from cigs is mind boggling to me: I never thought it possible and I have all of you to thank for it.  As most of you know, it has been a sad past 9 months for me--my beloved dog, Grady died suddenly on New Year's Eve and my dear mother passed away on September 19th.  I cant' remember feeling so "at sea" in all of my life.  That's the way I describe it-like I'm without an anchor.  My mom was like a rock to me and my six sibs.  But through all of this heartache, I haven't smoked.  I've thought about it, but smoking won't, nor has it ever, made anything better. All it would do is put me back to day 1 and make me feel really, really bad about myself.  So just for today, I'm going to be thankful for the 500 days which I have worked so hard for and I have to believe that better days are coming.  Thanks for all of your messages to me.  Oh yea, and BTW my name is Carol, not Connie. :).   


Congratulaions CP.. So happy to cheer you on today,  you are a star.

Congrats to Diminsion for 100 Days EXcellent job

I am on with 622 days of freedom


Thanks Tommy for picking me up

Congratulations to CP with 500 Days and Diminsion woth 100 Days-WTG!!

I am climbing onboard with 1170 Days of Freedom today

Everyone have a great weekend!!



Wow what a spread of yummmies.  Thanks for picking me up Tommy

Hurricane scare is over so we can really chow down.

I am on Board 

Lillian   Days of Freedom 112


If you miss the train I'm on, you will know that I am gone, you can hear the whistle blog 500 miles!  Kudos Carol!

And Welcome to Triple Digits Diminsion!  Way to Go!

Cheers to All Riders!


Congrats to Carol and Diminsion !!!!

Image result for breakfast


Thanks Tommy! Congrats to one and all! 


Thank you Tommy. I am back on the train and determined ;-). One week in. 


I want to issue a BIG apology to Cpsono, who's name magically transformed in my head from Carol to Connie!

I knew her name yesterday,and I know her name today, but I still managed to get it wrong on her 500 Day celebration! I have no EXcuses! Only profound apologies, and regret!

Please forgive me Carol!!              Tommy