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Give and get support around quitting


Try try again


So I quit for 5 days never thought I could even do that but did.  Now I am reading again the info here and that book everybody told me to get by Allen Carr which seems to helping alot.  I set up a new quit date but had an excuse not to do it.  I'm trying again this week not saying when because when I do it I'll do it.  I will come for support as this is a great place to get it.  Thank you all for all your advice whether you know you gave it or not.  I never had any idea what I was up against until I came on this site.  Good and bad really.  Some of the advice makes me feel confident and others scare me. Try try again that's all I can do.  And tomorrow I will finish that book and hopefully be strong enough to do it! 

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4 Replies

Swanbird d‌ont ever quit trying to quit. It is very hard, I cant tell you how many times Wayne and I tried. We finally realized the way its done is one day at a time, and at times it was one minute at a time. Great job on reaching out staying connected to a place that will help you quit. 


So happy to hear you are doing your reading and prep work.  It WILL make a huge difference in your success at this.  I recommend you just set a date, probably within the next few days.  Then - get rid of all cigarettes in your possession and just take the leap!  We ALL did just that - and the site is littered with successful years long quits.  You CAN add yours to them - but not if you don't first make that commitment and DO it!

Let us know if you have questions or need support!



Hi Swanbird I hope you have a plan, I hope you rid all smoking paraphernalia and I hope you keep here to get help and to encourage others on this journey...Make Your Day 1 ... Day Won...~ Colleen 357 DOF 


Welcome to the Ex.  I'm glad to here you've been reading information on site.Understanding this addiction made such a difference for me this time.  Plan on what you're going to do instead of smoking--I know I had to keep busy.  Let's us know when you pick the date so we can celebrate with you.
