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Give and get support around quitting


Trying again

Just here to say this out loud I suppose, quitting Nicotine will be one of the hardest things I've done in my life. I never imagined I would be coming up on the 10th anniversary of anything, and that thing just happens to be vaping.

Just stopped cold turkey on Sunday, September 3rd. I've been dissociating, feeling worn out, tired, and irritable. It's so hard to part with something that has been a part of nearly every moment of your life for almsot 10 years, something that you could always rely on, that was always around.

It's just been alot for me to process, 5-6 days is all that ive ever lasted in the past before going back to it, I am going on a work trip for 2 weeks, and I have no idea how im going to make it through, I just want to seem like myself, and not like something is wrong with me. 

Sorry for the rambling! My support system is basically non-existent, trying to go this alone is hard. 

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5 Replies

@Zcrews64 Welcome to the Ex and congrats on 5 days of success   Glad you found us. No matter the source, nicotine is an addictive chemical so yes it can be hard to quit. I smoked for 50 years with multiple attempts at quitting.  It takes work and commitment, but you can do it too.

The same principles to quit smoking will apply to your quit. It's important to educate yourself about nicotine and have a quit plan. Knowledge and preparation have been made quitting possible for many of us. I never did neither in the past and I was never successful. I was planning my quit this time and found the Ex a week before my quit date. I finally learned how to quit and how important support from other quitters can be. Read lots of material on the site. This link is a great place to start.

Quitting Guides

What you experiencing now is normal.  You're body is reacting to the loss of nicotine. It will pass, so be patient with yourself and know that your body is healing.  These are some common withdrawal symptoms.  

Withdrawal symptoms.png

If you need support, that's what we're here. Reach out anytime you need help, want to share your experience, and to support other quitters.

Happy to see you on the Daily Pledge.  It's a great way to stay on track one day at a time.

Stay busy and stay close.


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Welcome to the community @Zcrews64 you've made the best decision you'll ever make in your lifetime and it's definitely the best gift that any of us for giving ourselves! Please read everything you can there's a wealth of information right here on this site to strengthen your resolve to kick the nicotine poison to the curb permanently it's definitely NOT easy by any stretch of the imagination but as long as we're willing determined and totally committed to succeed then you will persevere through the roller coaster ride of cravings and moodswings and lack of sleep to be Free PLUS anything worth having takes time AND effort AND kicking nicotines butt into oblivion is TRULY THE GIFT OF LIFE! Stay close and reach out whenever you need to or just want to vent we're all here to help you in any way we can you've got this believe it!

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"I just want to seem like myself, not like something is wrong with me".  That may not happen for a few days yet.  Congratulations on being vapefree for 5 days, that is OUTSTANDING.  Make sure you celebrate that WIN.  The ONLY way to defeat this addiction is not one puff.  You have to starve it.  The cravings are uncomfortable but you can get through them.  You hate vaping and having the addiction, and it has taken enough of you.  You are also getting through hell week, not for the faint of heart, but you are strong.  Take this one day at a time.  The business trip the same, one day at a time.  For support you have this group.  I did alot of writing in the first weeks of my quit, I vented!  Get it out, write it out, it helps some people.  You can choose today,  never to vape again or harm your body again.  Get through today.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Congrats on quitting! Everything you are describing going through is very normal. Each day you don't vape is like a building block helping you for the next day. The most important thing is not giving up. A work trip may actually be helpful just to get you out of your normal routine.

Some people think about quitting as a break up and even write a break up letter to help give them closure.

As mentioned earlier, take it one day at a time and one hour at a time if needed. Keep us posted 🙂

~Margaret, EX Coach Team

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Welcome to Ex!!! You are not alone! Addiction is hard to see and understand, change is just as hard. Stick with your decision and in time you will have yourself back. 

Yes you can! Of course you can!

addiction is.jpgYou have everything you need to quit right inside youYou have everything you need to quit right inside you

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