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Give and get support around quitting


Support needed

Hi All -

I smoked cigarettes for 20 years. 4 years ago I quit cigarettes and switched to the Juul. I’ve had the odd cigarette here and there (mostly while in Vegas or a night out), but when I wake up in the morning, I have not been compelled to smoke cigs again. The problem is I got more addicted to my vape then I was cigarettes. I have found it extremely difficult to quit the vape as the cravings are intense. I started my quit journey last week (Tuesday) and made it 2.5 days without vaping until I had a drink. 

I went out and bought more vape pods and vape throughout the weekend. I “quit” again yesterday and made it fairly well throughout the day, but woke up this morning with intense cravings.

I am using the patch, but it does not really satisfy my cravings so far. I don’t want to say that I’m feeling depressed as that is a bit extreme, but I also feel like I’ve lost my best friend. I vape first thing in the morning until last thing at night. Mostly because I could do it inside and or whenever I wanted to.

I know this is mostly for cigarettes, but haven’t found many resources for quitting vaping. Has anyone experienced this? Will it get better? I’m really trying to make this work for myself, but also for my wife and kids.

Thanks for reading my long post and appreciate any words of encouragement!

Etiquetas (3)
18 Respuestas

Welcome to the family! Your among some of the nicest people ever! Stick around and read and post. Nicotine is Nicotine  no matter the way its injested, so you will do well here


You need a quit plan.  Without a quit day and a quit plan.  It’s hard parings those craving.  Ask yourself questions about your nicotine addiction when the craving come.  You will find many reasons to quit your addiction but not a single beneficial reason to continue with your addiction.  Use those many reasons to quit as your motivation when craving start.  The longer you stretch out craving the better soon you find that those craving.  Its just craving, it comes and goes.  The trick is to pay it no mind.  Let its comes into your mind then let its disappear in your mind


Welcome Dpremier1‌.... Although I vaped for a time as placement for cigarettes when it was firsth though they were "healthier than smoking" (wrong, unfortunately), I ended up going back to cigarettes and was a smoker when I quit. Especially at the beginning of my quit, I found deep breathing exercises to work the best for me. They calmed me, helped me to refocus, and got me past many a craving. This example may be of help to you. Wishing you the best~ Suzy : 177 days free

deep breathing circle.gif


This post is from the old and it may help you form a plan to keep your quit...  Dpremier1‌  

REPOST By @Grammax s. (Unknown date) from the old




This will help you make a plan to KEEP your QUIT...


It isn't a matter of just slapping on a patch or chewing some nicotine gum.  Every behavior you can think of is tied to your smoking.  We smoked because we were happy, sad, mad, hurt, tired, sick, bored... etc.


You need to replace those habits.


Take a day to make a plan.  We call it a Quit Kit.  It can be anything you want.  

Get creative and really think about it.


Some things folks have used is nicotine gum.  You can buy regular gum the same size, color and flavor so you can go back and forth between the two.


If you are using the patch, make sure you have an extra patch in the office, in your purse, or in your wallet, for those days when you have forgotten to put one on in the morning.  It happens more than you think!


Have lozenges available for those high stress / high craving times.


Have some Red Vines to 'smoke'.  Or a cut up a straw into thirds...  especially during high trigger times like driving.  Sometimes it feels good to just hold if you are accustomed to always having a smoke in your hand.


Grab your favorite CDs or tapes to put in your car so you can put one in and sing out loud.


My favorite was dancing and singing at the same time.


Your brain cannot do a 3rd thing, so thinking about smoking just disappears...  🙂


To keep your mind and hands busy, go to a local arts/crafts store and look for things to do.  Buy something that interests you; rug hooking kits, scrapbooking stuff, or Christmas stocking kits for the grandkids.  Or, get some coloring books and colored pencils or felt tip pens.  Stained glass, floral, tropical fish or Native American motif coloring books are available everywhere now. They make you want to do a good job.  LOL!  Dora the Explorer would make me want to scribble on her face...  😮


Make a list of everything that needs to be done, or you want to do around the house.  Go through each room and write down everything from cleaning out drawers and closets to painting, rearranging or redecorating.


Same with the garage and yard work...


Once you have your list, break it down into 5-15 minutes segments so nothing becomes overwhelming.


Make baggies of crunchy foods to satisfy your mouth so they are at work and handy to grab...  Carrots, celery, chex mix, pretzel sticks (you can hold those like a cig), gum, etc.   They need to be ready to just grab at any given time.


This is important!  The 3 Post Rule:  When you are craving and really shaky, post and click the “I'm craving and need some help” box.  Wait for at least 3 response posts before you make a decision to purchase cigarettes or to smoke.  Most times, you will be fine once you read the posts (keeps you from dwelling).  If again and wait for 3 more...


Once you have all these things figured out you will be well prepared to handle anything and you don't even have to think...just look at your list…


Keep 1 copy at work, 1 at home, 1 in your purse or wallet, 1 in the car. 


If you did one day, you can do 2.  If you did 3, you can do one more.


No future tripping. You can't do a darn thing about tomorrow until it gets here. Today is a good time to quit but if you feel you can't, then take tomorrow to put together your Quit Kit and quit the day after.


Don't set a quit date out there for 2 weeks, 1 month, etc. All you do is make yourself crazy in your head by stressing over that date.


Talk about support!   How are you doing?



Thanks for asking Barb! Officially onto day 3 and while I still find myself reaching into my pocket for my vape while drinking coffee or after meals (my biggest triggers), I am still going strong. I've been using the patch and have been chewing the hell out of some toothpicks   I know that if I can get through these first few weeks, I can do it for a lifetime. I also want to thank everyone who has so kindly provided messages of support (Annette's "how to quit the Juul" was especially helpful). Really appreciate all of you!


Congrats on 3 days nicotine free.  That's fabulous beginning on your journey.   

Keep moving forward!



Should be onto day 6 now???  How is it going?  I suspect the first week without vaping is like the first week without smoking, we "affectionately" refer to that as Hell week, the next week is "Affectionately" referred to as Heck week.  What you learn the first week, you carry into the second week and so on and so forth.  This is a journey and you are not on it alone, we are all here to help as much as we can.  Stay close to the site, blog, comment, ask for help if you feel you need it.

Welcome to EX,
