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Day 46!!!!!

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That's 46 for Pops!  Woo Hoo!!!!! 

Thanks to the EX family for being here and letting me doodle on the site...whatever it takes to keep the demons at bay right?  In actuality though...things haven't been all that bad this time.  After I got my ego back in check and let go of the false pride of being embarassed to come back after faltering....I just got busy and dusted off the same tools that I had in my tool quit kit...(that I had failed to properly use before..I might add) that were perfectly fine...brand new in some in never been used....(not so funny actually).  And then things just started following a pretty much predictable order.  

I will say that somewhere around the 26-28 day mark...I had that nagging and constant calling back in my head that kept telling me to go out and smoke another, that nobody would really care anyway....Well I would care!  And that is what I had to keep telling myself.  Then I hung out with my office buddy who knows about my quit, and told him that I just needed some company for the day.  Then I got on the pledge page & read a couple of blogs of newbies that were struggling & commented on a couple.  The next morning, I was good as new, and haven't experienced any other urges since.  (At least now I "know" this too shall pass....)

Enough of my babbling on & on....time for some Sunday morning coffee....

Oh and by the way....GO CAPS!!!!!

Pops with 46 days of Freedom!

and after.....

lol....enjoy your day....

About the Author
Hi, and thanks for stopping by to read my page....My name is Ken Bishop...aka, Pops. I am a stubborn older addict of nicotine....I have quit on numerous occasions in the past, and have experienced great rewards as a direct result of not ingesting deadly toxins into my bloodstream. One of the curses of having a strong constitution that seems to be able to withstand much more than others body would still be able to move around, and get things accomplished even after I was poisoned by the harmful effects of nicotine addiction. Eventually, the harm became so significant, that not even I, with all of my denial...could avoid the truth that to continue to smoke, would most assuredly be the death of me, and in short order as well. On Sept 1st, of 2018...I found myself in a rehab facility for alcohol abuse, and came very near death. I quit messing around, and had a deep and moving spiritual encounter, and have remained sober without one single urge to pick up a drink since. That was after consuming copious amounts of booze for many years in the past. After a short while.. I asked for spiritual help from my creator to make it possible for me to get the same amount of conviction towards finally being able to successfully put down nicotine once and for all...As of....(September 14th, 2019)...I have 17 days of living smokefree! Woo Hoo!!! Friends and family are all very proud and happy for me. They have asked me what I thought was the turning point, after having experienced so many failed attempts before. I simply reply, "I took the God Shot". xoxoxo Pops update: in Dec of 19 when the stock market started going nuts...I used that as an excuse to start smoking again. I see-sawed back and forth for severa months, and when the COVID crisis hit, I simply lost all desire to be smokefree...I was going to smoke & that was final. Well, as always...the pains of excessive injestion of nicotine into my blood stream...(one puff is all it takes) started affecting my everyday life again...I knew I had to quit placating my inner child and grow up and accept a life without nicotine. The normal person would read this and say well duh...finally he's getting it. But the normally addicted nicotine addict would understand...weird huh? So now I'm back with a new quit date of July 8th, 2020 & am hoping that I can accept that as a perfect quit date that does not need to be changed. Thanks for reading and good luck to you in your quit journey. Pops w 4 DOF!