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Read a member curated list of EX Community content over 10+ years


Foundation For A Successful Quit


We always say on the site to read the info the site has to offer and other links we give you.  Reading the blogs of our members gives you knowledge of their experiences. Learning about our addiction, the triggers and how to react in certain situations is equipping us for our journey. You will go through NML

( No Mans Land) days 30-130 of your quit  where your emotions run high. It's at this point in your quit, if you haven't educated yourself with the info, you could lose your quit. In all my previous quits, I never knew much about my addiction and they ended up as failures. This time I did it the right way and am still quit to this day. Be smart this time!


If you lack faith in your quit, you tend to worry, have anxiety and become more controlled by your circumstances because we aren't confident in the outcome. We  need to believe in ourselves that we can do this!


It is the mental or moral state to face fear, difficulty and to keep moving on. For example, the initial phase of our quit, where we decide to set that date and start is the easy part. But as days go on, we get a higher resistance from our body and mind.  The challenge is to get through this part of the phase. The resistance will increase but we must continue and never give up. At some point the resistance will get weaker and the going will be easier. Through this process, we become stronger.


The ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting. If you know or have those feelings that something just isn't right or you have a fear something is going to  happen that might jeopardize your quit. DON'T DO IT!! For example, if you always drink and smoke together, going to a party isn't a good idea in the beginning unless you are saying no to the alcohol. Even then, you are still in that social setting and you are putting yourself at RISK. Is it worth it?


It ultimately means the best possible outcome of any given situation. We can either lift people up or drag them down. How you react to circumstances affects other people. Everybody has an influence on somebody.  To become a more positive person, we must replace every negative thought with a positive one. Examples, I can't do this, I just want to give up = yes I can do this! I will try.  I hope I can stop smoking = I will stop smoking. We really need to reprogram our minds. This doesn't just apply in our quits but in our lives. It helps us to become a happier person.

I am including useful links below. Use them to find your own personal freedom!

Allen Carr's Book..Easy Way to Stop Smoking (free downloadable ebook) 

How To Quit
Staying Tobacco-free After You Quit | Tobacco Withdrawal 
Help For Cravings And Tough Situations 
Full Index of Lessons   (10-1hr ) 
Quit Smoking Course Lessons


Joel's Quit Smoking Library 

Goodbye Letter To Cigarettes


Dear Friends & Family: Here's What To Expect From Me While I Quit...



Putting A Stop To Smoky Thinking


Foods that could help you  quit and ones to stay away from


Law of Addiction

The Law of Addiction 

No Mans Land- Days 30-130 

What's After No Mans Land 

The Version Of Us


Quit Kit


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40 Respuestas

I agree with Thomas! This is awesome for new folks and should be posted often!  Thanks for wrapping the info in a nice little bundle!


Thank you guys. I will try to get it out there as often as i can or to post to all newbies.


Hello dear friend! This is an awesome post and I hope you don't mind if I re-post it a lot!!! xo

I'm adding this blog to the links on my page.  Thank you, Shawn!!!  xo Kristin


This is a wonderful blog, Shawn.  So many valuable points.  In Using Wisdom, you're dead on.  We must pay attention to our instincts and hear the warning bells when they clang.  If something doesn't feel right, it's something to pay attention to.  I would add one category - that of Persistence.  Brava, girl!


Great, thank you!


Thanks, Shawn, nice post!!


8 days and no urges...forgot my Chantix pill this morning, but I know it will be OK. The first 2 days were the hardest...And now I can be around smokers and tell them that they STINK.....It's funny, I thought I couldn't be around them, but I guess it's not true.....


This information is hugely important. The information on this site is superior to anywhere else I have looked. I believe in educating yourself before you venture. My hat is off to you. I shared this post with my family. Thank YOU. I am headed into my NML. And need my family to give me the understanding I can't have them smoking around me right now.


Thanx Shawn, I'll definately be using these links