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Give and get support around quitting


Trouble waters

Hi I've been having  a rough couple days as yall know ,I end up slipping I dont know why gone this long done real good ,first of all i been saveing my money that i smoke with end up haveing  to burrow it out then on top it I ask the people I'm around  please dont have me to go get your smokes I guess my family  dont really  realize how hard it is on me , it wasn't  even bothering  me at first I know I have failed to myself  I cant blamm anyone but myself,,hell I've smoked since I was 17  I've list alot of people  due to smoking  theses past few years ,,I'm not going give up this fight for sure ,,going try again,,

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Don’t beat yourself up Redhead101 .. start read everything you possible can read on site...also, try and don’t give you an option to smoke...for example, you have a crave...what can you do then go and smoke? How about taking a walk, biting into a lemon, do jumping jacks...etc., retrain your brain...”You don’t do this anymore, so what can you do...?”  Don’t feel defeated...keep close to us ... ~ Gotcha on my mind...~ Colleen 312 DOF 


Don't waste time or energy beating yourself up.  It serves no purpose!

Jump right back on the wagon.  First, though, try to figure out your thinking that talked you into smoking that first cigarette and make a plan NOW what you can do when the same stinkin' thinkin' happens during your NEXT quit.  You could have taken slow/deep breaths, blogged "HELP" here, gone for a walk, taken a bath or shower, ANYTHING    but light a cigarette.

Do some more reading, prepare again, and set a new quit date.  Don't put if off!  You really don't know which cigarette might start that sickness chain reaction.

The time to do this is NOW!


Here is a very short list of What to do

#1 Analyze what caused you to smoke. 

#2 Make a vow that you will not smoke if it happens again

#3  Get rid of all smoking materials it lessens the chances of being tempted. 

#4  Have a plan for what to do differently when you have the urge to smoke.

#5101 Things to Do Instead of Smoke

#6  Start over with a commitment that NOPE no matter whatQuit Date - How to Reset 

#7 "Keep it Simple"...


#9  Education is the key to a successful quit!

#10 When you develop a plan, stick to it. 

I went all day the last too without  the pach ,just pop me one them lozenge  they seem to help,

You are not w failure!

nicotine is a tough enemy but and you can and will beat it!

read Alan Carr Easy Way to Stop Smoking.  It’s a fun read and by the end of book you may just find the answer you are looking for. The book and this site help me big time!

best of luck!

don’t give up—-it may be the best decision you make.



I lost so many quits for so many reasons that I cannot possibly count them all, I beat myself up every time and it never did any good.  When I finally did quit over 5 1/2 years ago, it was pretty much out of my hands since I was so sick that I was struggling to take every breath.  This time, I was able to come to an understanding of my addiction and of why it was so hard for me.  I could not take things one day at a time, I had to take things one FEELING at a time because I smoked to stuff down uncomfortable feelings...what a difference it makes to DEAL with them.

You can do this and you are not alone.  I am sorry that you don't feel supported in your real life.



Like everyone has said, it does no good berating yourself. No regrets about the past--keep moving forward.  Most of us have tried to quit numerous times.   You're no different than the rest of us.  It's hard, but now you know you can do it.  Don't wait--get right back on track.  Next time reach out BEFORE you smoke.  That's what we're here for. 


You can do this quit believe it deep breaths and know that we're all here to help you in any way we can, you will be successful one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time believe it......


You can do this, I know the defeated feelings you speak of as I have been there done that...not this are strong so jump up, brush yourself off and make tomorrow your day have so much support here, don’t give up


Yes you can do this. Because you are addicted, when others egg you on (simply don't understand) it can be stressful. What can you do differently to get past those around you who are still smoking?