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Journals / Blogs

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Share your quitting journey

Journals / Blogs

Time for change, but how?

I’m looking for advice on how two people that live under the same roof can quit together. My husband and I both quit recently, I’m at 21 days and he’s day 1. I vaped and he used tobacco-free pouches. We’re at different points in our quits and we handle q

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1 3 237
Goodbye letter

Goodbye,  we had a journey together that changed its form from Ciggeretts, to dip, to, vapeing, to chew. You were one of the 1st things i did thinking i was older but also like my dad and alot of other people i know. Being healthy and hearing stories of t

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3 3 194
My quit journey - Zyn/On! Nicotine pouches

I’ve been reading through countless stories on everyone on here and they have help me immensely! So I thought it was time to share My journey and hopefully help someone else. Also please share feedback and thoughts and I’m very much still struggling throu

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7 3 678

Dear nicotine,

It's time for you to leave.

It's been quite some time since you were unwelcome in my life and it's finally time for us to officially part ways. For good.  We first met in the parking lot of my high school back in 2006. Back then, you were the

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7 4 273
Re-posting a repost of an old Classic: I want you to stop trying to quit*

This is a repost from what I wrote March 12, 2009.  It still applies today.

I want you to stop trying to quit.

Yes, I said that. Even more, I mean it.

I browse around here and see post after post from people saying that they are "trying Chantix" or giving th

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13 16 755
I could have, but I didn't!

Today, when I was at the convenience store buying some food for dinner and for my partner who is in hospital right now, I requested a certain drink, fruit punch,  and the person who came with me went to go get it. I was standing at the counter, right in f

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8 10 321
Quitting zyn

Hi I am coming up on 4 weeks since I quit zyn cold turkey and am not using any nicotine replacement/medication. Symptoms I am having are mostly now just brain fog, insomnia (I am able to fall asleep l, but will wake up at like 3 in the morning and my mind

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3 16 670
Day 5 of no ZYN

Hi everyone!

I am currently on day 5 of no ZYN (was using 3/4 to 1 full 6mg can a day). I would say my cravings are getting a tiny bit better but some of my withdrawal symptoms are picking up. My recent symptoms are waking up multiple times throughout the

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6 10 380
Zyn/Snus Addiction

Hello everyone, 

My nicotine addiction started about in late 2018 when I started to use the Zyn pouches. In my mind, I thought to myself, it's just nicotine without the other carcinogens, it's not as bad as cigarettes. While, I don't know for sure if that'

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3 6 384
This is much harder than I expected....

Tomorrow is my first week tobacco free in about 3 years.  This week has been very hard, much harder than expected.  I was using ZYN pouches, they were like candy and I found that I was sneaking out of the house to get refills.  I kept it a secret from my

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1 2 293