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almost one week smoke free

It has been a hard week. Especially having 3 days off of work and drinking as much as I have. It was hard having a drink in one hand and not a smoke in the other. The upside was actually getting to socialize with my friends and not having to run to the side of their house to smoke (I was always the only smoker in the group). So far I have been getting urges, and now being alone in a hotel to travel for work sucks, this was my prime time smoking. The coughing has sucked. I hope I can do this!!!!!
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4 Respuestas

Hi Stacy and Linda, Today is day 7 for me and still not smoking. My wife and I created a 3 drink maximum so that we could stay in control of the nicotine urges. But I agree the drinking is a huge trigger. Keep it up and remember why your doing this. Good luck!!!!!!
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You can do it Stacey, I said the same thing about the drinking and the smoking "I CAN'T DO IT", but I did! and it has been 19 days and the time goes by, just try not to think about it and give the ciggs soo much power. Now I can drink a beer with my husband and not have the cravings and it feels great. So continue the good job of being smoke free for one WHOLE week!!!!
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I have not had a smoke since june 2nd and i drink every day. I just set my mind to never smoke again. So far so good
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Thank you so much for all the good thoughts!!! I am still drinking a few here and there, but no more smokes!! I agree that now I can ENJOY a drink with my boyfriend and don't have to leave to go outside, we can actually sit together!!!
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