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Give and get support around quitting


Aug. 10 quit date

Hello everybody! I'm new to Become an Ex and look forward to gaining wisdom from you!
I've smoked for 35 years and have tried just about everything to quit. I took Chantix a couple of years ago and was unsuccessful in quitting smoking, but I know why. I was hoping Chantix would just "magically" make me not want a cigarette. That's not how it works.
Presently, I have been taking Chantix for about 2 months. I have not quit smoking, but I've cut down from about 30 cigarettes a day to 10, and I'm trying to go lower. I know, now, that I have to "help" the Chantix help me. Does that make sense to anyone?
Good luck to everyone, and good luck to ME on my quit date of August 10!
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6 Replies

Congrats on joing us!!! I am on Chantix too and this is my 3rd non-smoking day...I still find myself getting up to go outside to have a cig, but not as often as the past 2 days ( I think that's partly the Chantix and partly my resolve). Just work the plan and make the committment and then keep coming back for support. We'll be here. I just know you can do it this time 🙂
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Oh Debby, I wish I believed in me! This is probably my 8th or so attempt at quitting, and I haven't quit yet - just cut WAY down. I've set a quit date (again) of Aug. 10 - YIKES!

btw, I went to your page, and it is awesome!!! The music scared me when it first came out of my speakers! Love the counter that's keeping track of your progress.

I'm coming back for support, believe me. I hope one day I'll have smoking all behind me and can be an inspiration to others!

Until tomorrow ...
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I believe that every quit attempt teaches us something and that we use that knowledge (even if unconsciously) to finally achieve that final quit! Cutting way down is a start. This site really is awesome for support, ideas, something to read, games to play, etc etc...pretty much whatever you need. Make the committment to make this your last quit and you'll be on the road to a healthier you 🙂 You can do it!
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Congrats and welcome. I haven't officially quit my date is 8.8.08. But its comming and since I have joined I have had so many wonderful people already support me in my choice to quit. Good luck and we are all here to help.

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Hi guys! Well, the cinnamon sticks I bought are too old to inhale and get anything out of them, but I'm going to check out a Whole Foods store and see if they have better ones. Today, when I was looking for Vicks Vap-o-rub, I found a Vicks inhaler and I bought that, too. Found out, once I got home, that I can only use the inhaler once every two hours!
Soooooooooo... I'm smackin' away on Eclipse gum, every flavor they've got (cinnamon is the best).

My Quit Date is 8/10. I've been smoking about 10 a day (down from 25-30 a day), but so far today I've only had 4, and it's 6:15 p.m. N

Now, I'm going to the deck to grill a steak. Maybe my little 4 lb. Yorkie will club me over the head and knock me out after dinner so I won't be able to smoke! 🙂
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wow, you have already begun to quit....cutting back to less than 1/2 of normal...that's super. You are committed to doing this thing and I really believe with support and determination (and gum and cinamon, etc etc) you will be fine. Just believe in yourself and once you quit remind yourself why you did this and just don't pick up another one! That works....really it does. You'll be fine 🙂
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