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Why are cigarettes legal?

As I sit here this afternoon and look over everyone's pages, I see us all as responsible, educated, loving, caring individuals who have a tobacco addiction that is destroying and taking our lives. Many of us are literally begging for help and support in our struggle to overcome this addiction. The medical profession especially knows the health consequences. Yet, when you ask the question, "Why are cigarettes legal"?, everyone just laughs at the idea that they could be made illegal. Why not? Is there not anything we can do to keep our children, grandchildren and subsequent generations from having to suffer as we have? How about writing our congressmen and senators. I believe if we all Stood up and Spoke with One Voice, it could be done. Any suggestions?
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24 Replies

MONEY, exactly.

A previous boss of mine used to say, "We are all prostitutes - we just have different prices"

One way we can NOT support big tobacco is to review the investments in your retirement portfolio's and make sure that the Mutual Funds you own are not invested in tobacco. Ask your broker, he/she has this information and can provide it to you. You will be shocked at how much money is invested in tobacco....and it makes an excellent return I might add! So here is where you decide, do I sacrifice my profit to cast my vote against tobacco.
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Oh, just thought of another one, where you can take some money away from big tobacco. I was talking to my counselor at 1-800-Quit Now (available in most states). And he said that quit line is funded by the big tobacco companys, the gov't makes them do it. So if you get their free patches, gum, etc., you will be taking some of your money back from big tobacco........anyway, that's the way I see it. Abot time they paid.

Interesting though, that they will only let you have one "series" of treatment. They sure didn't let you buy only one "carton" of cigarettes. However, I am thankful for what I have received.
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Nancy, Thanks for the info. I still just don't understand how they can justify the legality of tobacco and I still believe if the people took control and spoke very "loudly" tobacco, in all forms, could be made illegal. I do appreciate all the support that is out there to help us addicts but as long as they are legal young people will continue to buy them. We all seem to have that mindset. If it legal, it can't be that bad for you. Don't we expect our government to protect us from products that will destroy our health and lives?
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Bonnie, I think you have a good point. There have been stronger laws made in most states where there are less places people can smoke than before. There are more programs in schools to encourage students not to smoke. I think the best we can do for others is set an example and not smoke. I think Carole put it best: " Educate yourself. Understand how nicotine affects the brain. Understand that living without nicotine is as simple as creating new routines and better habits for your life. Quitting a drug addiction is a major life decision too so commit to it like any other major decision and don't look back." There is nothing that can be done to ban smoking cigarettes. So we must deal with it as best we can and life our lives smoke-free.
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Edith, Never say nothing can be done to make tobacco illegal. I believe in a Higher Power than money or politics. If we put this issue on our prayer lists and petition God's help and direction, it will happen! I have smoked a pack a day for 44 years. My health is still good. Of course, I know if I don't quit NOW, within the next 10 years I will have COPD if not cancer. I did not realize until I decided to quit a couple of weeks ago and joined this site that tobacco was so addictive. Now that I have experienced the effects of withdrawal and have read smoker's stories, I realize that this drug must be made illegal. That is the only way to keep the young people from buying them.
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Danielle, I cannot speak about alcohol because I don't drink. I do think alcoholism is a disease and must be treated as such. Is tobacco addiction a disease? Or would anyone that smoked a couple of cigarettes become addicted? I don't think you can "control" an addiction. You have to give it up completely. I just think we should FIGHT for our young people and do everything we can to make tobacco illegal so they will not be telling the same stories when they are 50, 60 or 70.
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Is that what caused Jennings lung cancer?
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Hi Toni, He made a statement that he had been a smoker but had been quit for many years. He started back smoking during the 9/11 incident and he stated that was what caused his lung cancer.
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Yes. I have an article about him on my page.
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Yes. I have an article about him on my page.
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