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Give and get support around quitting


Just joined today

Hi Everyone,

This is the best site I have found on quitting smoking. I joined today and my quit date is Sept. 30. I love the trigger site. It has really helped me and the tracking of my smoking. I am 43 years old and have smoked on and off since I was 13. I have smoked regularly since 1998 and tried to quit several times. I really believe I can do it this time. Especially with the help of all of you.

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3 Replies

you can do it and we will help. all it takes is a good mind set, a williness to be uncomfortable for a while, and just plain stubborness to show the nicodemons who is the winner peace!
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I can promise you this site will be SO helpful. I have been here for about a month and am almost ready to quit and if I could, I would sit on this website all day because I KNOW I would be able to quit easily with all the support. It's very helpful and the people are wonderful. You will get so much advice and what works and what doesn't and loads of support!
Stay confident and motivated!!
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It's a great site - use it to your advantage. Find what resonates with you and make it work (for me it's humor, supportive comments from open minded peeps and the ton of ideas to choose from - from those who have already succeeded) Welcome! I'm on my 4th day and have no intention of going back - along with the skills to help me not go back. Planning made all the difference
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