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Give and get support around quitting


Why are cigarettes legal?

As I sit here this afternoon and look over everyone's pages, I see us all as responsible, educated, loving, caring individuals who have a tobacco addiction that is destroying and taking our lives. Many of us are literally begging for help and support in our struggle to overcome this addiction. The medical profession especially knows the health consequences. Yet, when you ask the question, "Why are cigarettes legal"?, everyone just laughs at the idea that they could be made illegal. Why not? Is there not anything we can do to keep our children, grandchildren and subsequent generations from having to suffer as we have? How about writing our congressmen and senators. I believe if we all Stood up and Spoke with One Voice, it could be done. Any suggestions?
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24 Replies

Check out Polly's page. She has a link to let your representatives know about your opinions on tobacco. But the reason that gas is high, tobacco is still being sold, poison like high fructose corn syrup is allowed in our US foods (not in Europe) is that our elected officials are pretty much bought and paid for by BIG business LOBBYISTS. No secret there. The tobacco lobby is huge and the millions that are funneled through them to our duly elected reps is staggering.
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Oh Yes, I know about the Tobacco Lobbyists and that is why everyone laughs when you even mention making cigarettes illegal. However, I still believe we could have the LAST LAUGH if we American citizens really got serious and let our voices ring out about making tobacco an illegal drug. We are intelligent, hardworking, good and honest citizens who have allowed ourselves to become addicted to the lure of tobacco.
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Thank You Dan, You are so right!
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I stopped using drugs after my fourth trip to jail...I was given a choice: stop using or go to prison. I could not imagine living without drugs and alcohol. Life would be a drag. I feared getting clean. Guess what? I have been clean 4 years and life is not a drag. I cannot imagine using drugs again. But I quit using and started living because of Narcotics Anonymous. Believe me, it was not easy, and I know quitting smoking is going to be very difficult. However, if I can quit hard street drugs, then I can quit smoking. I am going to apply the principles of the NA program to my journey into living smoke free.

I suppose if I were told to stop smoking or go to prison I would stop. Nicotine is a drug, highly addictive. We all know the tobacco companies lobby government. Getting smoking outlawed has to be a grass roots effort.
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Congratulations Toni, Even though you could have gotten support to guit drugs even if they were legal, the motivation to quit was to stay out of jail. Do you think Peter Jennings would have gone back to smoking during 9/11 if cigs were illegal. Absolutely not, and he may not have died with lung cancer. Most smokers are responsible, law abiding citizens and would not buy them if they were illegal and that would be there primary motivation to quit. Can anyone name ANYTHING good about tobacco use? I still believe if all our state senators and legislators received letters requesting the legality of a drug that without debate destroys health and lives be brought before the citizens of this country and not the tobacco lobbyist, the citizens would vote to make tobacco use illegal. I believe the people who don't smoke would be the first to vote to make tobacco illegal and with the smokers voting to make it illegal, how could we lose?
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I totally agree with everyone here. The thing that makes me sad is that I willingly, for 30+ years, bought their product knowing it was killing me! HOW EFFING DUMB IS THAT! We must educate the next generation!
Prosper in peace
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Too true, I can blame the advertising and ignorance since I started at 8, but what excuse did I have for all the years since I turned 18?
Addiction and ignorance until education allowed me to quit cold, and know I will never inhail death again.
RJ..Free at Last
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Thank Yoy RJ for the attachment. I saved it and will read it daily to help me to coninue to be smoke free.
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Yes Danielle, To the tobacco manufacturers it is only money but to us long term smokers we have now realized that's it's our health and our lives. No one who began smoking as a teenager and lives to be past 50 is going to be healthy. We will all eventually get a diagnosis of COPD and possibly cancer.
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