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Give and get support around quitting


Made it Through the Weekend!! - day 3

Glad I started my quit on a weekend. I was able to institute a plan (instead of setting myself up to fail) - man, the planning part is so freak'n essential for me, I had NO IDEA how much it helped. If you're thinking about quitting make a plan that works for you. Use the site to research what people have tried and are doing. I feel much stronger about facing "not smoking" at work after getting through the weekend. But I'm not fooled. It's a new step in the struggle. Thanks for the encouragement and advice people!
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5 Replies

Yeah John!
I think it's easier to be a non smoker at work cuz you're busy. Good for you making it through the weekend! The first 3 days are the toughtest and now they're over for you! Yipee! Keep up the good work and the good spirits!
Prosper in peace
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I so agree with you about the importance of a plan, and the importance of educating yourself before you quit. My thinking is, IF WE HAD THE KNOW HOW TO QUIT, BEFORE WE CAME HERE, THEN WE WOULD ALREADY BE QUIT. Great job John, on 3 days, just keep doing what you are doing. In construction we used to say Plan your work and work your plan. I think that could be a good montra for this situation as well.
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LOL. All my coworkers are aware of my quitting and are staying the hell outta my way. Just took a moment to come on here to catch up with these great supportive words - now it's back to work!
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Way to go John! That is awesome you made it through the weekend and I'm glad that your plan worked for you. You have good motivation and are being realistic about your quit and that's great. I look forward to hearing more from you.
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Hello John! Just stopping in to see how your week is going........
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