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Give and get support around quitting



I was actually taking a walk around our parking lot at the hospital. Not to see the other smokers.or to smell the smoke.. I just noticed how many there was. I was walking off an urge. But I’ll be walking somewhere else. I really don’t want to see all those people smoking. Never notice how many there really are.   Thank y’all for the great tips and encouraging words. 

5 Respuestas

Walking is a wonderful way to walk off the craves and is good for you  Glad your sticking with it and recognizing what YOU need to do to protect your quit. Excellent!


I walk ride the exercise bike  do seat tia chi meditate draw write anything to keep my mind and finger busy lol there are lots of smokers in the world. I just feel sorry for them but its best to not be around them in th beginning good luck!


Good for you for walking to get beyond the crave, Tinalbowser‌!!  Physical exercise and deep breathing can conquer pretty much every trigger and crave!!  Add Chocolate   and you're good to go!!

In an early quit, it sometimes (often) happens that the new quitter sees smokers and has the thought "Darnit, they get to smoke and I don't... woe is me!"  (I had those thoughts).  This is the time to remind yourself... "Smokers don't GET to smoke, they HAVE to smoke"... (and you DON'T) .  Eventually, seeing them and smelling them won't bother you in the least, you may feel sorry for them but it will only possibly trigger memories of what you are no longer obligated to do (stand outside in the wind, cold, rain etc. to get a fix).

Keep up the good work, you're doing exactly what you need to do, one step at a time!!


THAT's the idea!


Good job loving and taking good care of you Tina and WAY TO GO!