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Quitting Vaping

So, I quit smoking cigarettes (15 year smoker at that point) using Chantix about 8 or 9 years ago. It went great for about a year until I relapsed. From then until about 3 years ago it was back and forth on and off cigarettes and struggling. I have been able to stay away from traditional cigarettes with vaping but now I am so hooked on the e-cigarette that, other than not smelling bad, it seems just as bad as regular cigarettes (Spoiler; it is still the same nicotine addition). I am constantly sneaking puffs, hiding it from family and friends, and realizing that I really need to get unhooked from this nicotine monster for my physical and mental health. My plan is to quit on September 1st. Over the next couple of weeks I am going to try and vape less by breaking some of my habit smoke spots (for example, no sneaking puffs in the bathroom anymore is the first one). I'm considering using a patch or gum/logenzes to slowly lower my nicotine levels once I stop the device use until my final quit date. I've never used the patch or gum before. I will beat this dang nicotine monster once and for all!

Any encouragement or tips are appreciated!

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24 Replies

I resemble that remark!


How is it going?


Hi! Thanks for checking in with me I have been reading on this site daily and have moved to the 3% from the 5% vaping pods as well as changing some of the times I am "allowed" to vape. After this weekend I will be moving to the 1.5% nicotine so that is both exciting (closer to quitting) and nerve wracking! I know it's just the nicotine talking but I feel almost scared to go down to that lower level. I have been thinking about just going cold turkey at my quit date since I will already be at the low nicotine level and I am honestly feeling like I just want it to be out of my system and be done with it! Thank you for the support, this community has already been wonderful!

Also, as I was looking at the last times I have done quits, I realized my most successful one included a couple months of weekly visits to a quit support counselor and I am hoping that having a community like this will give me that added motivation and support that helped me then!


Good hearing from you. I am happy to hear that you are making progress. Thank you for sharing. This is a journey for me also.  I am trying to learn more about vaping and how I can help. Anything you can share with us is very important. Together we can find the answers.  Wishing you the very best in recovery. 

0 Kudos

Here is a good blog to read. /blogs/Thomas3.20.2010-blog/2017/01/06/use-body-mind-and-spirit-to-quit-smoking written by Thomas3.20.2010‌ It covers the different aspects of quitting with loads of references that may help.  Just substitute the word smoking with vaping and you will be on your way to recovery.


I couldn't agree edith you more firefly, work on getting nicotine out of your system 3 days, really not too bad, and then you just have to be mindful of triggers! You're doing great! 


I’m in the same boat! I think i’m having pretty bad withdrawals right now, but knowing there’s people going through the exact same thing really helps. It’s pretty hard to force yourself to quit when you wanna smoke so bad but I really wanna do this for my health and for my future. I got sick on wednesday night and therefore haven’t been really hitting my vape since then, and i think i’ve started to feel withdrawal symptoms. Lots of nausea and super exhausted. But my mom made a good point if i’m feeling withdrawal now, then i should take my opportunity to quit so i don’t have to experience these symptoms ever again. I believe in you and we really can do this!!! 


I’m on my second day off vape and have noticed some stomach discomfort (though I don’t have a great stomach anyways) weird dreams, and a feeling of general discomfort. One plus I noticed is that I haven’t had a headache since quitting! I was getting nearly daily headaches so maybe the vaping is why. You can do it mireya223! It’s nice for me to see there is someone else going through it too! 


So weird, I’ve had some pretty strange dreams too. And tonsss of discomfort, haven’t left the house in 5 days. But I think I’m doing okay, today is the first day that I haven’t hit it at all. I’ve had a few cravings but less than I thought I would honestly. 


Vaping has completely consumed my life after 8 years. I've tried lowering the nicotine level(nope). I've got a huge box of nicotine gum, patches and pouches so my intentions are good but my life is stressful and that is my poor excuse. I. Am. Weak. I set my goal in 2 weeks and am trying to find the strength to do this once and for all! For reference I'm 51 and started smoking at 11 and quit in 2003 the year before my mom died of lung ca, picked it back up for a year in 2011 and quit again after my brother died of the same a year later. That's when I started vaping.. it's been 8 years. I too would love some support and will cheer you on right back