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Give and get support around quitting


Quitters in Their 50's

Still smoke free, we have a strong quit going on,
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Wish me luck!!! Day one. Gotta do it this time:)

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Today is 5 years with no smoking, Yay!!!!!!!!! I did not feel that this day would ever come. I feel wonderful, walk 5 days a week, working part-time, and volunteering.

The walking began soon after I gave up smoking to help keep my mind busy and the same with the volunteering and both are going strong with no end in sight. The working was always on the agenda but never came to be. Now I found an agency to hire me and work part-time helping a couple that is trying to stay out of assisted living. There are 2 meals I prepare for this couple, they appreciate what I do and I am happy to help them.

The best thing I did for myself was to quit smoking, very rarely do I think about smoking, do not crave smoking, nor do I miss smoking. This was a very large part of my life and enjoyed smoking. I decided to give this up when I was 57 and smoked for over 40 years and knew it was time to give it up! Picked a day, Sept 1st and stuck with it, this was not easy, very crabby, hateful, and thought about smoking all the time. Then I got over it, slowly and here I am today and one big help is This is the place to go, also,, very informational.

I will never take one puff of a cigarette.

Good luck to the ones that are thinking about quitting, once you get the idea, the reality of quitting will soon be about! Much success on your journey, if I could do this, you can too!


S. Sweet

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Two weeks into non smoking and I feel like I'm getting anxious for a cig.

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Tomorrow is my quit day and I also know I have a big project at work tomorrow. So I pray I will have the determination and willpower not to light up the stink bomb. I feel like I am ready to do this!

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Good Morning all!

Is it in my mind or am I hungry??  I ate a banana with cool whip ... not bad right?  I've eaten a 2 oz bag of Perkey Jerky (it's great but sodium may be high) and next on the list is Laughing Cow cheese wedges and an Arnold Sandwich Skinnys.  I'm trying to eat the right things to sooth my self-imposed cravings.

I have to say though that I don't find myself craving a cigarette.  They are still on my mind, but not haunting me regularly throughout the day, so that's also progress!!  Yayyy me and Yayyy you if you didn't give in to take a puff.  I'm with NOPE!  I like that!

I truly believe that as long as I can stay away from people who smoke for awhile, I can do this thing and make it my final, successful attempt.

Husband is home and doing well, so that's some relief.  Dogs woke me up at 5am crying (the oldest lab Dukie, whose 9 is a diabetic and was thursty), so I got up, gave Dukie his shot, let all 3 of them outside, checked on the husband, made him a fried egg sandwich for breakfast, gave him water and juice, fed the dogs, made John's lunch and snack for the day, gave him cell phone, put his laptop near him, handed him the remote then got myself ready for work and here I am!

We were lucky in the Baltimore area as we did not get the snow that was predicted. 

I'm tired (LOL), and I have a full day ahead of me.  That is a "Smoke Free" day!!  WaHoo.

Sending good JuJu everyone's way to keep on the no smoking train!  I'm lovin' it!  We have strength in numbers and the right attitudes!!

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I keep forgetting to put the patch on in the morning.  Do you think that's adding stress to my quit program?  It's hard for me to tell as I'm still in the beginning stages of quitting.

I've read that it's recommended that one wear the patch for at least 6 months.  Does anyone have any feedback about that?  I don't want to fall off the track to success.


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Stopping by to say hello!  I'm still smoke free!  Yayyyy

Stop by and say hello to me.  I enjoy connecting and sharing this journey together.

Have a great week!!

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My quit date is less than 2 weeks,March 7th i am so ready

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I notice , in alot lot of groups no one post or is inactive for a reaaly long time!! Can u sugguest some active groups? I am gonna need some help and someone i can chat with on a regular basis?? Thxz in advance!

Feb 22,2015

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Hello, i am brand new here and have a quit date of 4/6/15. I am looking for support as I move thru quitting. I have smoked for 5 years after having quit for 10. I don't why I feel so challenged by quitting but know its time to do this. Anyone who can support , guide or talk, I would be glad to hear from you.


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