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Women Quitters in Their 50's

Hi. Not sure I am in menopause but I am 49. will be 50 in oct.  I think i might be in pre meno and i also have copd.  I quit march 27 cold turkey.  Pray for me as I am also suffering from memory loss

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126 Replies

I'm in!  I've probably got more questions than answers, but Im here!  LOL

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I guess I should ask if it's ok for me to be here....I haven't reached 50 yet...closing the gap on 48, but still dealing with menopause and all the hormonal issues.  I got to be one of the "lucky" ones that got to go through it pretty much overnight, younger than usual.  So even though I don't have enough b-days yet, can I stay and play?????



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of course you're welcome to stay and play!  you're lucky.  although I can't complain too much, I do have mood swings and hot flashes.  Last year my doctor (male) prescribed HRT's.  He didn't explain anything about them.  When I research them online I decided they were more dangerous than the symptoms.  So, just like quitting smoking, I'm riding out the wave naturally. 

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I don't have hot flashes now I think I'm pass the age. I'm just cold all the time .my doctor perscribed premarin for me and when i found out they wer made from pregnant Mares i quit taking them and rode it on out .this is day two I did not smoke today but the nico devil had been bugging me but I wont budge..I'm taking this one day at a time

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I AM  pssed menopause, but i get so moody, i quit smoking than go back, i am so mess up, i went and brought some patches to day, i quit for a week than go back, this week 1day  i quit, i am screw up. i will try the patches, i may need to go back on Chantix, HELP

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Good morning all.  I've been going thru the "Change" since I was around 47.  I'm 50 now.  I have not been an entire year without TOM (Time of month) in my life yet.......but lots of hot flashes, emotions.   I was just prescribed thyroid because my thermastate has gone out as my Dr puts it.  It's probably been out since I was in my 30's I just avoid Dr's.  Ever since last year when I ruptured a disc in my back I can't seem to get away from them.  First back surgery, with that came testing. Mammo scare last year....Another Mammo scare this year.  Then this year I had a baseline colonoscopy done and they found a big polyp in my rectum.  What the hell is that thing doing there....It's gone now and found out no cancer.  My mom died of colorectal cancer.   Quit smoking the day before my 50th. I have been promising myself for the past year that I would quit before I turn 50.  I did.  Just by a few hours though.     Personally, I am enjoying my quit.  I love the freedom, the time and the health I am gaining everyday.  The waistline I'm gaining is another story.  Anyway,,,,,everyone hang in there with your quits.  We can do this.  We are strong women and we can conquer this demon.  Have a great smoke free day. 🙂

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Good Morning All.  I hope this day finds you all successful in your quit and feeling great.  I'm doing good with my quit however, I do have these monthly rages against my husband!!!  I actually make my plan to move far far away and start all over (at age 53???)  We've been through a lot the past couple of years so half of the time I'm not sure if it's justifiable anger and range or the change of life or what? Then throw in the "quit" and life can be quite confusing.   And because I'm not sure what it is, I do nothing.  And my waistline and grown lately too.  I've already bought bigger clothes and they're getting tighter already.  It's like jonescarp says "if it doesn't fit, you musta quit".   However, I remain very STRONG about my commitment to quit smoking and will deal with the other issues when I feel I've mastered this.  Have a great day.  You are all amazing.  Kim

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Morning All,

New here and a VERY new non smoker. Having a rough time still. Just quit 10 days ago. i am very commited though. turned 60 in august and realize that I have been smoking 38 yrs. For one thing where did the time go? And for another 38YRS??

Anyway I am hoping to find other women going through the same thing because you know "misery loves company" LOL. Got to keep a little humor in all of this you know.

A little about me...I live with my husband (still a smoker) in a small town in Mi. I still work which is a double edged sword. All of Mi has gone non smoking EXCEPT for tribal reservations. I work at an Indian owned casino. See my problem. I am surrounded by smokers for my whole shift. Very hard. I am using Chantix and it helps. Also throw in a little ativan from time to time just to keep from going completely over the edge. Can't get outside at all 'cuz once you are on the clock you are not allowed to leave the building  for any reason.Security certainly isn't going to take me for a walk cuz' I have stress.

Hoping to get through this and just taking it day by day.

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It's tough growing older.  I have not taken care of myself very well at all. I am very overweight, I love food.  So my cholestrol is off but not too bad the DR said.  My thyroid is shot.  I smoked for over 35 years, drank alot in my lifetime.  My knees hurt my achilles tendon on the back of my heal hurts.  My back hurts.................Let's see.  Let me sum this up.  I hurt.  I go from having hot flashes to freezing.  My mood goes from laughing uncontrolable and wetting my pants to crying and my heart breaking.  But............and that's a big but.  I don't smoke anymore.  And I never will smoke again.  Baby steps to better health. Like in the movie "What about Bob?" with Bill Murry..  Babysteps   Hope all have a wonderful weekend!

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