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Give and get support around quitting

Quit Motivators

My reasons to quit smoking:
  Smoking contradicts the reason I pay $80 a month for my inhalers TO BREATH!!!
  Smoking causes skin to show aging earlier and I use Mary Kay to slow that process down!
  Smoking causes teeth to become stain and I use EVERY whitener to keep them looking good
  Smoking causes me to smell bad, and I have the greatest smelling shampoo and body wash sprays and lotions!
  Smoking costs me $120 or more a month and I am always whining about being broke!
  Smoking causes me to have a hard time working out, and I LOVE to stay in shape!!!
  Smoking is causing my granddaughter to imitate me! YUCK!!
  Smoking is slowly killing me-and I am not ready to die!!
  Smoking is going to be the reason I become one of those people who have an O2 tank every where they go-and I DO NOT want to be one of those people!!!
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82 Replies

I am doing this "because of" many reasons and/or people....because of the child that I will conceive in the future--there is no way that I will let him/her have a "puff" off of my hand becuase I "didn't know" I was pregnant yet...because of my grandma who I love more than anything that I have to watch suffer living with COPD....because of the man I love who was forced to breathe in that poison because I was selfish and "had to have it" and he would have to breathe it in just becuase he wanted to spend time with me....and finally because I AM strong and able to do this and I WANT TO LIVE and not get myself sick!

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Because of you....There are so many inspirations I have had alomg the way.I am over 10 months now.Sometimes I have to hold on with both hands because it is shocking to me how numb I am not.Cigarettes were anesthesia.I could tolerate being a doormat.I would probably have a different answer for you another time because there are so many but here it is holidaytime and I would have to say my dad,seeing him stay quit despite the heavy-duty emphysema and stressors he has,has been an inspiration to me.I also talk on here about how since he has quit 3 years now,I can hear him laugh without choking For the first time in my life!!!I used to be able to find him in a store by his cough.  Perhaps there is someone right now being inspired by your quit. Moe Unfiltered

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I have decided to quit not just for myself and the pain of loosing friends and family members to smoking, but for my children who I have yet to know. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia when they were young and want more than anything to have them in my life. For reasons you have stated e.g. I want to be there for them without fear of putting them through what I have gone through with family and friends. I am new to this program. When I joined I set my quit date for February 14th. The program, I guess because of stress I'm going through suggested March 14th. Because they have been at this longer than I, I will do as they say and follow the program. I believe I can do this even though the past few days have been especially challenging and I am now back up to 11 cigarettes per day like I was when I started the program. Tomorrow I will read at the funeral of a dear friend who was a heavy smoker. I can't imagine what his family must be going through right now. I'm proud of you for having quit and believe I can too. Hope is a motivating force of healing. You have given me hope. Happy healing. John

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I am quiting for the grandson I lost to leukemia in July 2010 and the grandson who was born in Nov.2010 with hypoplastic left heart. I have to say that 2010 was the absolute worse year of my life. I lost my very best friend in the world to a ravenous disease that took him in three days, without warning, and without symptoms, One day he was fine then he didn't feel good and two days later he was gone. He was my firstborn grandbaby and the love of my life, I wanted him beforemy daughter even got pregnant!! Now he is gone and his baby brother was born with a really bad heart. My daughter is the most beautiful person ever and has had unspeakable pain this past year, she is my hero and she has never smoked a day in her life, but has asked me to do so because she doesn't want to lose me too. This is very difficult to write about as it brings the pain to the forefront again but I want others to know you have ot love like there is no tomorrow and quit for those you love as they may never see you smoke free otherwise. My grandson never told me he wanted me to stop smoking because I never smoked in front of him, but I know if he had, he would have said don't do it. This is not going to be easy for me as I have done this for over 30 years, but I know with support and help from all of my framily (friends and family) it can be done!!!

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The best reason for quiting is health, white teeth, good breath, clean face.

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There are only reasons out there NOT to smoke. I can't think of any reasons TO smoke! Mostly, I'm scared of not quitting. How I wish I'd known how bad it was for me when I started! This addiction is an awful one.

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I guess I have to be honest, The money, is my first thought, but, my health is there too.We found out my husband has cancer in 2008, we tryed to quit together, it didn't work, again. So, this time, I didn't twll anyone I was going to quit. I just made my birthday, as the day, and got rid of all my smoking stuff the night before. The first day, after we ate, my husband and I went out on the porch to smoke, we don't smoke in the house, I just sat there talking and watching all the wild life. Charles asked, are you out of smoke's, I said, no, I quit. I know he thought, again ! But, day after day, this went on, and I still stayed strong. He came home on his birthday and said I don't have any smoke's and I'm not buying any more ! That was in July, we are still strong in our quit ! I feel great about myself ! Plus, when I see all the money we have saved !!!, Joy

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Hi, for anyone that has Facebook can stop by my page and "Like" or share thanks

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I would like to be apart of this group

My name is Jimmy and I'm bcoming an EX Smoker


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i am Yesquit (female) I'd like to be part of this group. when will the postings start.

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