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November Quitters

Wish me luck as I wish you luck!
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609 Replies

I'm doing the patch, too, and I am NOT sleeping well. I have heard that if you have trouble with the patch at night that you should take it off while you sleep. However, I am afraid to! Instead, I'm taking a Unisom to help.

  Nights are hard for me, too. I am used to smoking after my kids go to bed, and now I'm not sure what to do with myself. Still keeping it up on day 6 (:

  Good job on 7 days! Do something good for yourself today--you deserve it! I am treating myself to a manicure tomorrow to celebrate my week anniversary. I figure it will cost less than the cigs I would have smoked.
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my quit date is on the 24th. any advice for my quit date. im scared i won't make it. im using gum for my quitting agent.
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Brenda--Thanks for the tip! Did you have trouble sleeping with the patch, or did you just hear about it being a problem? I'll try taking it off tonight AND I'll take the Unisom. I should be over the worst of the addiction by now, and be able to make it through without it at night. Take care--Kristen
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bheinz--No matter what method you use, just stay committed to it. Reward yourself in a small way for each day that you stay quit. I bought some new lotion and body gel last week since I can now smell them! Tomorrow, I'm getting a manicure to celebrate one week quit! Some people are put off by scare stories, but it helps for me to Google for them. A few nasty lung cancer stories are what set me off last week. It also helps me to remember my original reasons for quitting and to repeat that I will never take another puff. Good luck to you!
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Sounds like everyone is doing good. Me too. Bit of a upset stomach. Chantix makes you constipated. I plan on eating high fiber the rest of the day.I have a few errands. Will post later. Cindy
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Brenda, Thanks. But really bad today? Worst day. I hope is better later. Going to the doctor tomrorow morning at 9:30 annual check up plus have some questions for her. How is your day going?
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Not too worried. I really think I have a cyst on my ovariy. I want to set up an appt for a vaginal ultra sound? Then off course I'm constipated now before I go in. Cindy
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Thanks. I will post tomorrow. Cindy
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I'm on my 3rd day of no cigs. I have gathered a group of support friends who have agreed to contact me regularly and give me attention for not smoking. With attempts in the past...I tried to do it no avail. This time, I'm empowered...ONWARD
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Nicely done, Nicki! Keep up the good work, and post often on your progress. I am finding that it makes a difference in strengthening my resolve. What method are you using, and how is it working for you?
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