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Give and get support around quitting


November Quitters

Wish me luck as I wish you luck!
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609 Replies

Cram Cracker gald the lozenge is working.The mindset is the most important. I slept alot the first few days. Went to bed early and cleaned alot. Post whenever you need too. Typing keps the hands busy.
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I hope I do not gain weight not smoking. So far so good.
  Almost time to lay down and relax. Heard from my husband no deer yet.
  Have a nice evening. Cindy
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I'm new to the board and thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Andrea - just quit on Nov. 10th. Day 7 almost over! I'm fighting urges like heck but I'm doing it! Hope to find some support on this board.

  Thanks in advance!
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Hi Cindy! Thanks for the support. I made it through today smoke free...I feel like this weekend has been sooo long! It's amazing how much time you kill smoking...even though it's only 5 minutes here, 5 minutes there...I guess it really adds up! I did more laundry this weekend than I had all month, just to stay busy. I keep having this feeling like I'm missing something by not smoking, kind of a lonely feeling - but I know it's just in my mind.
  By the way, Kert - I'm using the patch and it's going great...really helps curb the cravings and the intensity when they do come. You still really need to keep a positive mindset though...and stay busy!
  P.S. Welcome Andrea! You made it a week - congratulations!
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Hi Molly, You are doing great. I know seems like you have more time. I have been going to sleep earlier than usual. I work part time during the day so days are filled. Evenings seem long. Especially now it gets dark earlier. I have today and tomrrow off. Have some appts today tomorrow I have dr appt.My husband is hunting.Post later and let me know how your are doing. Cindy
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Hi Andrea, Day 7 that is great. I'm on day 15. Are you using anything to help with your quit? I'm on chantix. The cravings have not been too bad.I have been trying to keep busy. I have alot to do today. Tonigt I might clean my carpets. Have a nice day, Cindy
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This is so hard! I haven't been drinking coffee since I quit but I missed it so I fixed some this morning. I want a cigarette soooooooo bad. I have 2 weeks smoke free and know it would be awful to give that up. I just want to smoke! That even sounds silly, I know what a terrible habit it is, right now I'm just ready to give up!!!!!
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Hi, I associate coffee with smoking too. Prior to quitting I changed habits. I take a shower while coffee is brewing. I pour coffee and go on computer. I have been ok. A few days of coffee and no cigarette will give you a new routine. Just hang on. Don't ruin your quit. Cindy
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Thanks, Cindy. I did take a shower and have been on the computer to keep my hands busy. It's all about new routines isn't it? I don't want to ruin my quit, I want to believe I am stronger than the addiction. I still want that cigarette, but I don't want it, ya know?
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Thanks for the welcome. I'm using the patch which is definitely helping with the cravings. I do still get them but at least they are not quite as strong. I have noticed that I've been going to bed a lot earlier as well. During the week I was pretty much an "evening only" smoker, so being at home with not much to do in the evenings is the worst time. At least I'm getting 8 hours of sleep now!
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