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Losing my mind

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    I’ve been on 7mg patches for over 3 weeks now and the withdrawl is the worst it’s ever been.  I’ve called quit coaches, seen a doctor (mine was not available so so this one got into tests and scary stuff) and I know it is exactly when I dropped from 14’s to 7’s.  I’m very confused as to why my body hasn’t adapted better.  One quit coach suggested  this   Is the actual quit as the 14’s had me at my smoking level.  Not to ever invalidate anyone’s quit, but I did read having an anxiety disorder complicates this more.  Makes sense what was once under control with meds change combined with the anxiety that comes with withdrawl anyw ay.  I guess this is a redundant topic for me.  Sorry about that. Just so tired of feeling loony tunes and wanting to rip my hair out.  I guess I could go back to 14’s and see what that does.  But that means facing this again possibly.  Has anyone had this last longer than the so called norm?  I figured 2 weeks or so of it being very tough, but this is getting unbearable.  The sweats are one of the worst symptoms to emerge as well as extreme impatience with tasks and people.

39 Replies

So much in common!

I started at 14.

Quit at 62.

62 days ago.

Tried cutting the 7 mg in half today, but even with tape, wouldn't stick


Not sure about trying a cut tomorrow?

Thanks for sharing

On Sat, Mar 2, 2019, 11:42 AM anaussiemom <>


   Your not gonna like my suggestion, but it is just a suggestion and I only give it because I also tried NRT's and had an extremely hard time with them.

I recommend you stop them and now try cold turkey. I know its not what you want to hear...I didnt either....but FOR worked. I needed to completely break the nicotine right away. I had 3 crappy days then the usual  pesty craves...

Listen, we ALL have different body chemical reactions. I am not at all against NRT's. I just know from experience, they made my quit experience worse. Your ALMOST on the lowest dose now, so why not break the chain and stop the patches? Whats the worst that will happen? As long as your feeding nicotine your system, your keeping the receptors active n your brain and the only way to turn them off is to quit feeding them.

We are still here for you.

I am still here for you.

Hugs your way


It does feel like I am starting a new withdrawal everyday since I don’t wear the patch ay night.  I can’t find out definitive info if it affects my anxiety meds.  I feel like I would need a few days with no commitments to try without the patch.  Not sure I’d give up the lozenges tho they are becoming less appealing.  One option given was to go back up to 14’s from these 7’s.  That’s when the real trouble with this began.  My mind is so frazzled that trying to make a decision is stress inducing.

0 Kudos

I dont know if there is enough studies done on definitive answers.

Anyway one moment at a time, what ever you decide will be the right choice!!


I will be praying for you. Maybe you could even talk to pharmacy and see what they recommend? I just hope your not having a medical reaction to any of them. I messaged you my phone number so call me if you just need a shoulder to vent. Have the twins tonight and they are finally now asleep so I did turn phone off for now, but will have it on early in morning. Hugs to you. You never need be alone...Im glad your staying here and working through this. We will continue to support you as needed


i had the heeby jeebies for about 3 months.... this too shall pass.  hang in there.


I also think that if there is one iota of a possibility that you will relapse with out NRT, stay on NRT, it is better than smoking.


I still feel drinking that tall cool glass of water down will help change your mindset and also give you energy fill your belly and ward off dehydration.  It's a cure-all.  And you feel better too.  I love that you work out your upper body.


not doing any workouts.  Too much pain just trying to sleep and walk when I have to.  Circumstances are such I feel trapped most of the time trying to do this and normal life stuff that has become such an effort.  


Sorry.  I must have misunderstood.  But rather you are in pain.  So sorry to hear that.  I commend you in your efforts.  Please keep them up.