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Give and get support around quitting


In My Own Way and Time

The last time I blogged, I said I was about to start using Chantix. Well, I did, and it's working great for me. However, to say my quit is unconventional would be an understatement.

I did not set a quit date. I did not clear away my smoking area. In fact, I am sorry to say I do still smoke. However, I smoke less than one cig/day!

I'm in my third week of taking Chantix now. It has shut down the tobacco receptor sites in my brain. The addiction is broken; the habit is not. I allow myself to smoke whenever I want. Luckily, I rarely want to smoke! When I do, I smoke very little - sometimes there's barely enough ash to flick into the ashtray once. Yes. I light that cigarette. However, I never have to fight my way through a nic fit. I don't deny myself. I can look to my smoking area and honestly tell myself I don't want to smoke, and I don't have to lie to myself.

I like this because I smoke outside on my lanai. I used to wonder if I ever would be able to sit out there again without wanting a cigarette. It was quite upsetting. I enjoy relaxing out there and enjoying the nature all around me. Well, so far that's the only time I light up. But it tastes so-o-o bad; it's great! 

I'm sure it won't be long before I stop doing that. My mother once told me that's how I stopped using my pacifier when I was a baby. I just walked over to the garbage and threw it away. Now, I'm in the process of leaving my adult pacifier behind.

I know that's not what you're supposed to do. It's working for me though. Do I reccommend everybody quit this way? Absolutely not. It's a different way that's working for me. Maybe someone also has a different way they would like to try, but they don't because they've been told to take a specific path.

"They" say you need to quit in your own way; in your own time. Well, that's what I'm doing. If you're still struggling with your quit, don't be afraid to go outside the box. After all, we're all aiming for the same results. It doesn't matter how you get there. Just get there!

35 Respuestas

I can assure you Lisa that no one's comment was meant to be of the smart ass variety. Our replies to this blog are for the concern of your quit & it's success only. With that said, I can saythat I feel my quit was also unconventional. I quit on a spur of the moment, didn't read all of the material I was asked to & basically did it my way with the support of my on-line friends. So far I've succeeded but then there are those that have been quit 15 or 20 years & relapsed into the old lifestyle with some ease. So I'll not be so arrogant as to say that it can't happen to me. I can only practice NOPE & say that today I will not smoke.

Keep on keepin on,

M n @


Thanks, Mike, for all your good thoughts. We're all good.

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just sharing  my one time quit method for the concepts. I had quit for two weeks before I joined a support site. 


Thank yo u, thank you, thank you! That really was very helpful.

And I will try the wait a little longer line, though I don't know if that will work. I'm at that point where I'm not craving anymore, but something extremely stressful will trigger one.

Thanks again for all your encouragement.

- Lisa

If you liked that, here's what I've seen for 10 years.  🙂


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Gee, Dale, are you a writer? What an imformative, yet succint piece. Apparently, I'm not the only person who liked it either. I read about 20 of the replies.

I'm even going to forward this link to an aquaintance. One dayI saw her and she said to me, "I don't know what's happening with me today. I quit smoking more than two months ago, but today I just can't stop craving a cigarette." A great article for any ex-smoker or Ex wannabe.

Ubfortunately, I had a minor setback. I forgot to take my Chantix yesterday. Well, I smoked about 1/3 cig. Today I'm back on the horse though. I've forgottem to take it two or three nights in the last three weeks as well. That never affected me like missing the morning dose.

Thanks again -


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I really wanted to study what it takes and where people go wrong and when you learn it, you want to share it.

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This has some concepts your friend might be interested in

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You have come to an important realization.  Nothing is going to quit FOR you.  The Chantix is a help - but you still need to do the education part and commitment to not smoke another cigarette NO MATTER WHAT.


Absolutely! NO ... MATTER ... WHAT!

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