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Give and get support around quitting


How I quit and why it worked!

Well if any of you have been reading the blogs in the forum, I'm sure you've seen something from me. I'm using this website as one of my mind blockers from smoking so I'm on here all day 😉

When I first joined this website (about a week ago) I started posting blogs and asking a ton of questions to people that had already quit to find out just what was working and what wasn't. I had posted a blog (go find it, the reply's are great) about quitting on or before my vacation. I thought if I set my quit date on a day where I had a lot going on, it would work better for me. I just needed another 'smoker' to agree with me. I got a reply that hit home. It wasn't sweet and it wasn't gentle (which was a good thing for me) it was tough love and tough support. it was what I needed to hear. I was told, 'why wait?' 'why not quit right now'. I responded to that by giving all the reasons I just couldn't do it today. I was told I was making excuses and you know what, I was. I went back and read everything I had put in there and it was all excuses. To make this long story shorter... I went straight outside, smoked a cig, came inside and I was done. I haven't picked up a cig since June 18th at 2:45pm Mountain Time.

What I want everyone to know is if you really WANT to quit... meaning there isn't a little voice in your head saying you can't or you won't make it, then you can quit and it will be so easy for you! I have only had 2 cravings since I quit and never once did I even think about picking up a cig, I just tried to turn all negative thoughts into positive ones and thought why I didn't want to smoke any more! I ended up going to bed by the way... sometimes the cravings are too strong to beat so going to bed was my best option... Plus I am very rested 😉

I wanted to say some of the things that have worked for me.

1) this website! It's great!
2) Reading
3) Chewing Gum
4) Chewing Straws
5) Going to the gym (2 times a day 🙂 )
6) Snacking on sunflower seeds
7) Going through all of my old pictures and putting them in albums
😎 Cleaning
9) Cooking large difficult meals
10) just being optamistic and keeping my irritation under control!
11) Get support from family memebers (or friends) it helps a ton!
12) drinking water/juice
13) Brushing my teeth a ton to keep the minty flavor in my mouth (food makes me want to smoke so if I can not taste food, I won't want to smoke)

I encourage everyone else who's quit or in the process to post things that have worked for them. Together maybe we can all get a few more people to quit smoking for good!!!
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94 Respuestas

Eating fruit and nuts,
eating an apple while driving
a piece of dark chocolate
holding a pen in my hand for most of the day
using lots of hand lotion and chap stick
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Eating fruit and nuts,
eating an apple while driving
a piece of dark chocolate
holding a pen in my hand for most of the day
using lots of hand lotion and chap stick
0 Kudos

Eating fruit and nuts,
eating an apple while driving
a piece of dark chocolate
holding a pen in my hand for most of the day
using lots of hand lotion and chap stick
0 Kudos

Eating fruit and nuts,
eating an apple while driving
a piece of dark chocolate
holding a pen in my hand for most of the day
using lots of hand lotion and chap stick
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Hello Brittney, Great list. Add Jacuzzi, XC skiing, Hiking, Swimming, Swedish massage, Toothpicks, Cinnamon sticks,
Herbal tea & Stay away from all cigarettes, friends who smoke, places that sell cigarettes, wait a week on all those risks.
Mountain time is a good place to quit. I quit at 8500 ft. six months ago. Now it's Summer Solstice. You can do it too !
Be strong and follow through. You'll have a great summer. Don't drive. Do Bike. Walk or Run. You are doing it. Keep
up the cool attitude. It does get easier after Hell Week. Remember: Not a single drag or puff. Smoke Kills. Got it ?
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I joined today.. have been smoke free for 10 days now..this morning has been hard. I agree with you 100% I too believe that once you make up you mind you can quit.. at the same time when I get a craving I am honestly afraid..afraid that I will buy a pack..This morning I wanted to smoke he craving was so strong but thankfully I turned on my computer and logged on to this site. I feel a lot better.. I am getting ready to run on the treadmill do some pilates to release 🙂
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I agree. The key lies within your determination, not on how much you think it. When I first came to the website I answered the questions and a window popped up saying I wasn't ready to pick a quit date. Well, i disagreed. I actually didn't pick a date, I ran out of cigarettes because I buy them in Mexico, so much cheaper. I hadn't bought a pack in the U.S. in months so it was just like: ok, its now!
What works for me is:
When you have a moment when you're used to having one (for me it was leaving work in the afteroon, in my car, the big reward) I would put the radio real loud and started singing!
Take big, deep breaths and think that the craving will pass and that little by little they will be less frequent and one day gone forever.
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hwc... I hate to disagree with you because you have been SO right over the past 4 days for me but I have to say, it's total determination from me! I am determined never to smoke again... When I have a bad craving, I am determined to put my mind somewhere else! It's been a huge self confidence booster for me! It's fantastic knowing that 'I can do it'. well... 76 hours down and an entire life to go 😉 Good luck everyone!
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i love the brushing the teeth idea!
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You know, it's a great idea for everyone to share what worked for them!
For me, it was:
1. coming here every day
2. reading Allen Carr's book "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking"
3. eating sunflower seeds
4. exercising - got a Wii Fit!
5. making new CD's to listen to in the car and singing to them
6. focusing on smelling nice. This includes buying new kinds of gum, new lotion, perfume, etc.
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