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Give and get support around quitting



My name is Leslie. Been smoking for 13 years now...but lately been so much heavier that I've been getting winded after fairly short spans of activity. So, time to quit...besides, how ridiculous are prices getting! Set my quit date for Sept. 1, 2008, but have a feeling that I will need lots of help. Lots of my co-workers smoke, as do my roommates. Not sure whether I want to try cold turkey or with some nrt help, but any advice is welcome!
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7 Replies

hey leslie welcome some people do it cold turkey others use the nrts you do what ever will work for just do it ok just as people told me when i started here the first 5 days r the worst after that nothing but down hill if i can help you let me know ok
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Hi Leslie! The best thing that you can do is to begin doing the EX plan. That will teach you how to identify your triggers, track the cigarettes you smoke, and learn how to distract yourself in order not to smoke. How you quit, whether it be through cold turkey, NRT's or Chantix is entirely up to you. Each and every one of us has our own way of doing it. Smoking is very much a mental addiction,as well as a physical one. It's important to make this a positive experience as much as you can. That will help you in the long run. You've definitely come to the right place for support! We all support one another, which helps to keep us strong and committed! Here's wishing the very best to you! I look forward to seeing you as an EX soon!
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We can do together what we couldn't do alone. Lean on us to help you. We're all in this together and understand each other like no others can. You can quit. If I can quit, anyone can. hahahahahaha!
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Leslie, the nicodemon will put constant thoughts in our minds to smoke. It can drive you crazy if you let it. The key is to put those thoughts to rest with positive thinking. I suggest that you check out some stuff that will help you. has a lot of good reading which addresses the mental issues. Also, has a great approach to undertanding the mental addiction and it is free. You can also go to YouTube and do a search on quit smoking. You will find a whole array of videos there that may help you...yes, some are gruesome, but it is the reality. Finally, you may want to buy Allen Carr's book, "stop smokiing the easy way." allen carr looks at stopping smoking not as quitting, but rather as gaining our lives back!
Throughout my time here as a non-smoker, I have successfully used the thought, "Smoking is not an option." if it's not an option, then there is no further need to think about it! Here are some more thoughts that can ward off the nicodemon:
cravings won't hurt me, but smoking will
There is no such thing as one cigarette for me
NO = not one
I prefer life over death
I am a happy, healthy, cofident non-smoker.
All of these thoughts can help make it easier in the long run. The more you think them, say them, read them and hear them, the more they will sink into your subconscious, which will strengthen your resolve to remain a non-smoker! Hope this helps!!
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Thanks for the support. I've tried Chantix worked as far as the physical craving, but I've found that I definitely have more of a problem with the mental aspect of beating smoking. I've also found I'm having a lot of trouble with my morning trigger...but I'm not going to give up, just keep fighting one craving at a time.
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Leslie....I can't argue with I will just agree, and say DITTO !!!!!
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Hi Leslie, If you change your brain it will change your game. You do that by going to the sites Polly mentioned. Once your brain has all the facts, (some of them not so pretty) it will be pretty easy for you to come up with a plan. I vote for just start reading !! See, its even easy to start the process. You can do it.
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