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Give and get support around quitting


Hi Everyone

I'm new to the forums and thought perhaps some of you might have some suggestions to the person who seems to have tried everything to quit. I saw "" on a TV commercial and thought I would give it a shot. I'm 43 and have smoked for 30 years. I'm not a heavy smoker now but 1/2 pak roughly per day. I've tried patches, gum, nicorette, cold turkey, and I keep going back. I really have very little support. Both parents were smokers, but have quit. They aren't the best support because they give me doubt of "Your gonna go back". Then when I fall off the wagon, they aren't surprised. It bothers me because nothing worse than feeling like a failure. Then you feel like "Why did I bother to try in the first place". Since you all are in the same boat, perhaps you'll understand. Anyway, I haven't made a quit date yet, but contemplating July 4th as the "Freedom from Smoking" day. Thought it was kinda catchy!! Now it's just getting the nerve to try AGAIN!!
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24 Replies

Hey Connie.
I'm feelin' ya on the family/friends who smoke deal. I have had the same situation as I tried to quit again and again over the years. Even now as I enter day two of my Chantix program I have this lingering fear that my Mother-in-law and Sister -in-law were going to treat me differently when they find out I am quitting. Then as I read your intro something hit me. My husband quit 2 months ago and, yes there was some grumbling amongst the smokers in our lives but he didn't respond. He didn't even tell them unless they noticed and inquired. No one even mentions that he used to smoke anymore and it's it's only been two months. As much as I love my in-laws I know that if I can't handle the commentary like my husband did. I can always fade away for a month or two. Honestly I think peolpe who aren't encouraging are just afraid that somehow you won't feel the same way about them when you change.
Anyway...just a little mental meandering.
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I think my problem is part physical and part mental. I can't seem to get past the "want" for a cigarette physically. I have a VERY difficult time w/sleep when I quit. Meaning I can't sleep. I haven't quit yet, but most of it is the fear of failing. What IF I don't make it this time again. It's hard but some people just make it sound so easy and it's a far cry from easy. If stopping was all that easy, nobody would be on here!!! Being committed is the idea, but whose to say someone won't fall off the wagon. I don't think anyone goes into it with the intentions of falling off the wagon. I guess they call it "One step at a time"?
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Hi Connie, No matter what anyone else says or does if you really want to quit you can quit. Start with a plan and stick with it! You can do this, just remember quitting isn't doing something TO you but FOR you.
Lots and lots of luck!! 😃

My quit began One Month, Twenty Nine Days, 15 Hours and 10 Minutes ago, while extending my life expectancy 7 Days and 8 Hours, by avoiding the use of 2122 smokes that would have cost me $398.89.
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I agree with everyone else who posted. I would just like to add 1 thing.

Most people are resistant to change.
We are very comfortable in our daily lives and routines.
Change is Very Scary.
Quitting is a big change!

Most changes are positive, and make us happier in our lives.

So why not change your life forever?

You will be glad you did!

I know I am : )
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Thanks Leslie!! Thanks for the encouragement. I guess I should look at it with a positive attitude and not fear the possibility of failing. Thats what all of the smoking cessations courses tell you. If you break down or cave, don't beat yourself up over it and continue on. Your right, even if it's a week or a day, it's that one week or one day I wouldn't have had if I hadn't of tried. How is the Chantix working for you? I've heard some criticism on it and was wondering if it's helping you.
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Thanks Jaded!! I'm trying to come up with something...some sort of plan. Did you quit cold turkey or were you on some sort of smoking aids to help you quit?
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Yeah, it really kind of stinks that my parents who are now ex-smokers are somewhat critical. It's almost as if they have forgotten what it was like to try to quit. They think because they did that it should be a piece of cake for me. When I've tried and failed, I feel they just look at me as a failure. It makes it hard to even want to quit. Probably the best thing for me is to just not bother to tell them. As for friends, many of them are smokers, however I am acquiring new friends who don't smoke. I've been around smokers my entire life and it's new for me. I almost feel out of place with the people who don't smoke. I guess we do change to a point, but I think we almost have to in order to. I guess we have to do things differently in order to keep from smoking, at least for awhile.
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Thanks Angel!!! Your right, we do become comfortable. We need to make a change and some changes are scary.
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There is nothing to fear...if you fall off the wagon, look at it as "one bad day...tomorrow is another one and I won't make that same mistake again". Try not to view it as, if you have one, you are instantly a smoker again...just keep on trying and focus on all the benefits of not smoking.
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