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Give and get support around quitting



Hi my name is Linda
I just smoked my last Cig...........I already want another one
How can i do this????????????
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5 Replies

Hi Linda,
My name is Melinda. I had my last one yesterday, and I already want another one too!
Seems like the worst trigger for me is going out on smoke break at work with the girls.
I cleaned up my car yesterday. Washed out the ashtray, completely detailed the inside of the car, getting all the smoke smell out....used Fabreze, etc. I keep a cup of honey nut cheerios in the cup holder and eat those when I feel like smoking while I'm driving. BUT, I bet anything I end up smoking 1 this afternoon with the girls.... I'm going to try NOT too!!!
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Try this,
education + determination = success
education concerning nicotine addiction is paramount, get a good one at
determination comes from within and is for yourself, and absolutely is directely tied to successful quits
success is measured one day at a time,
Regards, RJ...Free at Last 504 days after 32+yrs of feeding the addiction.
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Hang in there!! Each day does get easier - just stay strong!
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Everyone goes through this when they quit. My suggestion is procrastinate. Put off lighting up till the craving goes away. Do this every time you get a craving and each time you do this, you get stronger and the craving eventually gets weaker. Deep down, you really don't want that cigarette. If you didn't want to quit, you wouldn't be here.
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Linda, can you come up with 1 good reason as to WHY you SHOULD smoke
another one?

Melinda, do you think that just for today, you could not TRY to not smoke, but just NOT SMOKE?

Every single part of quitting involves your thought pattern, and if you change your thoughts, you
will CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Stop looking at that cigarette as if it were your BFF!!! It's not your friend, and you should hate it!!!
The more you hate it, the less and less you will want it.
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