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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication



Jennifer, you go girl, be tuff, tell the nic-demon to go to hello, i did a lot of self talk,glad to here Chrissy, Spunkie are feeling better,hugs
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Hi, Became a non smoker11-09-10. Using Chantix, on my 2nd wk. Some side effects, mostly having to do w/dreaming altho' have become itchy in the last 2 days. I suppose that could be the weather---BURrrrrrr. This is my second attempt getting the monkey off my back. 1st time was cold turkey,,,it lasted 10mos. I could blame others for my downfall and believe me I do, but I am the one who lit that cig and satisfyling inhaled deeply It was at a party, this time around I decided to go the meds route. So far so good, it (Chantix) does remove cravings for me at least. And I have ck.ed in w/web site daily, but that part actually makes me crave smoking more.....By theway I've decided not tospeak o fthe whole sordid affair again. Thanks for being here and alowing me to work through these frustrations. I'm sure I'll be back!!! Donna
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Dewayne, I was scared too and I don't know what I was scared of. So far, the Chantix is agreeing with me and taking my cravings away. What more can you ask for!!! Good luck everyone.
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I am on my 20th day of chantix. I have been smoke free for 12 days. I do not want to become to dependent on pills.... So I have begun to ween off of it... I am taking only one a day until they run out... I am not going to renew my prescription for 2 more months. I personally feel that this drug has done its job and got me through the first 2 most difficult weeks.... Its not going to get any easier from here out so I may as well do it on my own without pills....
  I do not know if this is a good idea or not... only time will tell... I pray it does...
  Its not about the side effects... I just am starting to believe that if I am going to be smoke free for the rest of life it should be without pills and patches... so I may as well start as soon as possible....
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Wish you luck Michael in getting off the pills early. I have had two friends so far who tried the same thing and found it too difficult and got back on. I know you sound very determined and that is super and wishing you lots of luck.
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good luck i was in your shoes back i april,quit my chantix thought i could do it on my own after about 3 weeks was back in same boat as before heart attack at 52 in jan of 08, really need to quit gone back tomy chantix and an glad i did. goodluck to you and yours we all need to help each other
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My plan of taking only one a day is tougher than I thought... I am taking it after lunch... I do feel better and do not think about smoking after I take it... I did not get a chance to take one yesterday until 7pm and I got a glimpse of how hard its going to be when the pills run out... its almost like quitting for a second time.
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I plan on taking the entire 12 weeks. Figure better do what the directions say. They have directions for a reason. Last night I had a few dreams I smoked. I do not want that to become a reality.
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I am going beyond the 2 weeks by 2 days. Even though today was supposed to be my quit date, I just know I won't find enough to do to keep my mind off of it. I am so cut back that it should be a cinch of Monday. I had a friend who had to reschedule the quit date by 5 days when he was more prepared and it worked out fine for him....he has been quit for 6 months now.
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Hi Sheryl, whenever you are ready is good. I really did not set a date. Just woke up and did not want to smoke. I have had only a few craving that lasted about 5 seconds each. It really has been really easy to quit. Tonight will be test. I bowl.
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Thanks Cindy. Good for you and I can see how bowling will be hard if there is other smokers there. In Canada, we can't smoke in public buildings anywhere and even in certain parking lots so people have to go to sidewalks to have a smoke. Doing this in the winter time is really stupid and I have done it for the past two years since the new laws came into effect.
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