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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication



Jennifer, you go girl, be tuff, tell the nic-demon to go to hello, i did a lot of self talk,glad to here Chrissy, Spunkie are feeling better,hugs
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618 Respuestas

It has been 206 days for me!  Hard to believe it has been this long, 206 days ago I was a die hard pack a day smoker and now, believe it or not, do not have a desire to smoke again.  Those of you just starting out - it can be done.  Really you can enjoy life so much more and not be a prisoner to the habit.  Good luck to you all, Chantix is a wonderful start, hang tight and take one day at a time.  It is soooo worth it, it is hard at first, but each day gets easier, I don't think about cigs everyday anymore, it is so freeing!  Be positive....

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thanks LYNN it is good to here from some of the old chantix uses, i have got to quit again, i went back after 6 mons,

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I tried Chantix and had the WORST stomach aches.  I even tried taking with food, that didn't make a difference.  I also had trouble getting to sleep - it didnt affect my dreams like the patches did.  But I do know when I was taking it I had less of a desire to smoke, but know too it was REALLY hard to stop smoking cold turkey on the 7th day (at least thats what I think it was)......but I HAVE GOT TO QUIT!  I refuse to go on any anti-depressants and don't feel that trading 1 habit 4 another like using the patches or gum will be helpful.  I have that addictive personality......blahhhhhh!  So I think my only choice is to go cold turkey?!

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Oh.....and I had the gas too.  I tried Tums and helped a little, but not enuf.

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good luck on going cold turkey carzy4broncos, i was going cold turkey, but i guess i will go threw chantix again gas, dreams, upset stomch and all that, good luck to us all.

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Just wanted to wish everyone Good Luck!This is my 5th day smoke free and I'm doin ok...kind of.Iam on Chantix and it seems to be working.The only side effect I have had are the wild and Vivid dreams at night and I iook forward to bed time.Once agian Good Luck !

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walleye keep up the good job

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Day six and still hanging in there!I had one hour last night that lasted about a week, but I made it through without going to buy smokes!It sure is a good feeling knowing I beat the demon once.

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Walleye.......just hang in there.  It is better from here on out.  Almost a week !!!  By 10-12 days, you will never want to smoke again !!

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7 days smoke free! I like my odds .

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