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Share your quitting journey

goodbye to an old friend

4 12 98
  My old friend, you have been with me for over 40 years.  You were the first one to greet me every morning, and was there while I enjoyed my coffee. I relied on you for so many things. To calm me when I felt stressed, to sit with me when I was bored, or on my computer or talking on the phone. You were there to give me that burst of encouragment when meeting someone new or entering a new situation. 
  I broke up with you once for quite a while, because I realized your friendship was toxic.
  It was the best 15 months of my life. I felt better physically & had mental clarity. I was doing things I enjoyed doing because you were not taking up all my time. I didn't have 1 cold or any breathing problems when you were gone. My life was so much better. Why oh why did I let you back into my life?! 
  I am not sorry to say that I am breaking up with you again! I DON'T need you. I DON'T want you. I have realized you have done nothing good for me in this relationship. I want to stand on my own 2 feet without you holding my hand with all your fake tributes to this relationship. All you wanted was to take my money, destroy my home and clothing with your horrible smell, make me an outcast in places where I could have made some real friends, waste my time, and destroy my health. 
  So I am breaking up with you again. This time for good! Every time I think I might need you back in my life, I will remember all the things you have robbed me of! I have new friends now. Friends that have my back, and encourage me to keep you out of my life. I feel empowered now. I have heard over and over, to be happy you need to get rid of toxic friends.. so off you go!  I no longer need you. I want to live a long and happy life!
Etiquetas (1)
12 Comentarios


You will never regret the break up.


I just love the break-up letters. They are good therapy and will help keep your quit strong! Read it often! Protect your Quit!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!


With friends like that - who needs enemies?


The more distance you put between you and that last puff the BETTER Life gets! 

We're here for the long haul! Read Sheri's Blog to see how long term quitters nourish and maintain their Quit Journey throughout the Months and Years!


Great break up letter.  Keep it close as I read mine a lot. Congratulations on your decision to quit. Stay Strong! NOPE!! for me





Thanks for sharing your break-up.

The journey continues


Great break up letter!!!   

Awesome break up letter! Toxic "friends" are definitely worth leaving behind

Wonderful breakup letter!! 


Friends don't try to kill you lol But I do understand I felt the same way as my quit day came upon me You will feel so much better when you quit It won't always be easy but nothing worth while ever is Just keep your focus and remember your reasons for quitting are so much bigger and better than your reasons for smoking  


I have had friends who turned out to be back stabbers  I was hurt but glad to be rid of them .......Cigarettes were like that I I am so glad of the  break up with them  !