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Share your quitting journey

day 2

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i am doing good i got  moody yesterday was trying to let it past but it was strong but i didn't put a smoke in my mouth i was reading my book to relax i should fix my puzzle to keep my hands busy when it warm's up i will go for a walk with my dog today need to change my way of thinking ..any helpful hints will help

35 Comentarios

Drink lots of water.  When a crave hits do slow deep breathing, get up and walk around, turn the radio on and sing out loud,  stick your head in the freezer(this really does help)a crave only lasts a few minutes so do whatever works for you until it passes.  Another day the nicotene will be out of your system.  Hang in there, you are doing great!


You can do this!!


Walks can be powerful lifestyle enhancements, if you let them be. Take a good one today, please! Just remember that you aren't walking in order to run away from smoking, you're walking in order to get at something new and better. Don't think, "I have to walk or I'll smoke." No, try saying, "I want to walk to clear my mind, to boost my spirit, to energize my body, and to feel free. The dog enjoys the fresh air and the exercise and the experience of the sensations, so I will, too. For me. For my quit."

Keep up the good work!


Here is a list of 100 things to do when a crave hits if you need some new ideas:

The conversation in your head CANNOT be:  "I want a cigarette.  No!  But - I WANT a cigarette!”

Instead, it needs to be "I want a cigarette.  Well, since I have decided not to do that anymore, what shall I do instead for the three minutes this crave will last?"  Then DO it!

The beginning of your quit journey requires some extra work and attention - but it is SO worth it - I promise!



The mood change is normal so don't let it keep you down. But, you did say MOODY, I'm going to throw a little motivation your way! Yesterday was our dear Moody's 1st non-smoking anniversary. I think it would help if you go to her celebration post from yesterday, read it, then click on her face and read her blogs, starting from her very 1st day on EX. You will find ways to manage the beginning of your quit, as well as how she continued each phase of the quit. She is quite an inspiration.

Congrats on day 2!


Hi, are you gong cold turkey, or are you using some type of NRT?


Just breathe ,y are doing great,two days is a big accomplishment!!


That's awesome.  My quit date is Monday.  I am very worried about it, but one minute at a time, right.  Good luck to you.


Today is my day 2 also and it was beast of a day at work. I work in retail and there are days that could make nuns cuss like sailors! I seriously thought I was going to need bail money today! Important thing is I didn't smoke and there are no fatalities to report! I call that a successful day.


Tomm'rw i'll be my first day. I am also little worried coz of past experiences, But i hve decided to do it now!!

Ex seems to be a gud way to do that.




stomach issues today.  Day 2.  Has anyone else experienced stomach issues after quitting smoking.  


I don't have a hint for you at this moment. All I can say is that if I got it you too. I wil complete  8 month without a cigarret.and that I got it because of the good friends I have here .They re always ther e to give a support and help you 


I am on day 31 and I have just kept trying all sorts of different things and I am telling you I am still struggling a month into my quit, the fact that we don't light up especially when it seems to be the most fitting time to do so is what helps us conquer our addictions and experimentation and find what helps and what works also is part of the process topped off with a ton of support in your personal circle and also having us too will help. These guys haven't let me fall and  we won't let you fall either.

Stay strong, don't forget to breathe sending you a virtual hug today! Congrats on your day 2 soon it will be day 3 then week one before you know it, but remember take each day one hour, minute, or even second at a time.

Carolyn 🙂 


Sounds like you made up your mind. I didnt know it only takes three days to get it out of your system. Good for you!

Congrats on making the decision to stop smoking. I am starting day one. I trust that this will gradually become easier to do. But only if I make a promise to myself never take another puff. My body knows how to heal, and my brain will adapt. All I have to do is not smoke. Smoking doesn't relieve stress. It only temporarily relieves a craving for nicotine. I'm ready to try being nicotine free. How about you?



That is so much true...

Smoking is actually one of the most stupid things one does in his lifetime...

No actual high - just a fix to the craving...

I sometimes wonder why i started smoking but i dont think that  that will help me at all... But if i´d have to pick a reason i´d say movies... Movies and Tv - shows man...


Good luck to all of you ya



  My 2nd day also  had been lanning on quitting for a while, my fiance lost her job which really hurt the budget , so I used this timing as my time......  I cut way down the days before and monday only brought a few smokes and got some nico gum.  Simply didnt have the money to buy more...   day two is a bit tougher because work is slow i just keep finding things to clean up or whatever keeps me busy...   I got a bit lippy with my hunny this morniing I applogised and just kept going with the day....  I wish  you lots of luck and you are not to get thru this day and Thanksgiving.....   just like quitting anything addictive  sometimes its one day at a time  sometimes its minutes at a time....good luck


Its my first day quitting msoking but I am using the nictoine gum and patch becuase I smoke 2 packs a day. My psych said never to quit cold turkey because I can go into a n episode, but thats just me. Ive tried to quit many times int he last 22 years and only had 3 months once. Its hard but each time I get better and better and learn more and more. the best thing about quitting is being able to smell my perfume. lol. and my detergent. lol. Plus, I have high cholesterol and have to make a severe change in diet and lifestyle. So I am starting today and prayed for gods helpt o rid me of my addictions and to take it all in his hands and grace. Anyway. Im glad to be back. Good luck everyone!


I wish you all of the luck. Today is my first day not smoking; I have been in a ill kind of mood all day. I'm taking Zyban SR 150 mg. twice a day to help me quit smoking; it helps me some but makes me really sleepy. I hope that it gets better for you , have faith in yourself, you can do this..


Find what works for you, and work it!


Congratulations! The first few days were the hardest for me. Like you said, try and keep yourself busy. I've found that excercise helps a lot. Also, crunchy foods like carrots and celery. Dunno why but they help.

But you should be proud of yourself for everyday you're quit. A lot cannot even go a day without a smoke. Keep it up!!


day four, and it's getting better. cravings were strong yesterday, but i made it through. when a craving hit i would think about all the good things that are happening because i'm not smoking anymore. i would visualize myself just being healthier!

Keep working. You'll see that be part of "ex"is a grate support to reach your goals. I'm going to celabrate a year in two weeks thanks to "exers" friends.

you've got this. what really helped me was everytime I have a craving drink a glass of water. This does two things first it flushes the toxins out of your system, secondly smoking dehydrates you so it helps your cells get rehydrated. Also after you have had to go pee 67 times in one day it really helps you reconsider your thought processes.


I haven't had a cigarette in 3 months and the cravings are a lot less now.  In my first 2 weeks I used to walk around parks and also ate small hard candies when the cravings got bad.  I stopped the candy after awhile but it worked for me at the beginning.  I keep reminding myself that I'm getting healthier and stronger everday as long as I stay away from cigarettes.  It's totally worth quitting and hang in there.

My quit date is 4 days away. Thanks for being here....lots of helpful info!
My quit date is 4 days away. Thanks for being here....lots of helpful info!

Keep up the good work!  The support groups here make it so much easier!!  Don't heistate to reach out.  I think I've finally made it now because of all these wonderful people who have been in the same boat as us!!


Deep breathing! That's something that tells me! I've cheated a lot but finally got thus! You will too as long as you're ready!


Keep your hands busy & your head up!  I remember those first 3-5 days being a blur.  Drink lots of water & stay busy.  You can do this!!!


I like the comment by storm about doing things to be healthy instead of doing things to run away from smoking. Its seems gentler


I really like reading all these comments, but I have to tell you...I'm ready to jump! I'm alone, can't drive/work, appear vital but inside a mess.  After giving up smokes I'll be vice free I guess unless "they" take away my 1/2 cup of morning Java! LOL! Any support would be welcome!


Hey congratulations! The first few days are the hardest.  For me it helped to drink lots of water.  I also grabbed a sheet of paper and wrote down the time every single time I even thought about smoking (even if it wasn't really even a craving).  It's a great motivator to see the amount of times you write down getting fewer and fewer.  Then one day I just forgot to write down a time at all and when I thought about it I was shocked!! 


Good job healthy snacks reward food anything you want first few days can be a challange as long as you don't smoke your doing great 


Good job on day 2!  You can get through it, just keep busy and start thinking about how you can change your habits that involved smoking. That was the big thing for me.  A good way to start- Like do you smoke in the car?  Then turn the music UP and start singing! Also to keep your hands busy, you can try knitting.  That helped me! Also, if you need to be holding something, try a pretzel rod or carrot stick. Every time you crave, take a bite!  

You can do it! 
