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Share your quitting journey

Quick Quitter's Quiz

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A craving strikes! Your head hurts! Your main squeeze/kid/pet is driving you crazy! Everything is just the pits!

You're really, really tempted, but before you run back to Old Nic, you come here and post about it. While you are waiting for our brilliant, witty, inspiring, helpful, comforting replies you:

A. Continue obsessing, checking for replies every .005 seconds and quickly become convinced No One Cares.

B. Review the Quit Plan you created when you joined this site.

C. Review the other guidance on this site, including Dr. Hurt's videos.

D. Go to one of the nine zillion other Tobacco Cessation sites and review the guidance there.

E. Get in touch with a local/state/national Quit Line and talk/chat/email with a Quit Coach.

F. Take a deep breath, have a big glass of water and a snack.

[Hint: There's only one wrong answer.]


Good choices Julia, except one. I would have t guess MAYBE (remember this is just a guess lol) A is the wrong answer.

Have a good day.


Wow do I adore you!!! I did all those things a lot!!! I am not ashamed or embarrassed to say I probably stayed logged in while home or working every waking hour for 6 weeks straight...I loved my Florida Quit line. I signed up for text alerts so all day long I got quit tips...I called them while driving back & forth to work to get through the ride a bunch of times...No question about your focus and determination...xo


No one should be embarrased about getting all the help they can when they need it.

The amount of money and time and effort that goes into just helping people quit and stay off tobacco products is ... Well it's awesome to know my quit is backed by an entire army.


Deffinately A.  Love your blogs.  I keep checking in just to see if Julia has blogged again.  This helps both of us.  Yes, this is a great site.


I had one major crisis in my first month, hanging by a thread, keys in hand ready to go buy some, and I chose to blog first instead. I didn't use any of your wonderful suggestions, I just got fetal, rocked back and forth, and stared at the wall until my first response came in.  🙂  hey, whatever works, right? 


Exactly Sarah. If you aren't hurting anyone or yourself and it keeps you from using. DO IT.

Hey, if running down the street wearing just a crown of daisies is what someone has to do to keep from smoking/chewing ... Well, I just hope they wait until there are no witnessess. People might point and laugh and the seat of the police car would probably be very chilly.


wonderfully entertaining blog!!!   I'll skip running down the street wearing just a crown of daisies, as well as option A. 😃


Oh Yea been there!


yeah, those seats sure are chilly... um, I mean, I've heard they're chilly... uh, yeah... 


I adore your posts!!!!!!!!!!


are there free text alerts from this site?  Do not want to use