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Share your quitting journey

Making changes.

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So I've chosen Mother's day as my quit date. Starting tomorrow, I need to make some small changes every week, and STICK TO THEM. Goals for week 1:

- No smoking in the house or vehicles.

- Take a limited amount of ciagrettes when I go somewhere.

- Track cigarettes daily.

As simple as these sound, they are some pretty big steps for me. So, as a reward for sticking to them, I get to buy my work out supplements (which are a wee bit expensive)!

Off to the races... 🙂


Don't cut down so much that you are in a constant state of withdrawal! In my experience, cutting down just kept me in a constant state of "when's my next cigarette"! It kept cigarettes in the forefront all the time and that was harder than just being done with it!

People will provide links to Whyquit and the 'easy way' book. I suggest reading whatever you can! It really does help to be prepared and it is motivating! Good luck and welcome!


I do like the idea of tracking your cigarettes. When you smoked them and any tiggers involved. Sounds like a good idea to me but Nyima has a good point about about a constant state of withdrawal.


HI THERE and welcome to EX!

The MOST important thing you can do is educate yourself about the addiction by reading, reading and more reading! PREPARE to quit by following the steps on the EX homepage and stay around here to learn about how to get through the first week or so...A quit PLAN as it glad you are here! xo

Allan Carr’s book…         Helps get the right ‘mindset’ for quitting!

We will be here for you every step of the way! xo


what joy said!

Sound like you're a planner, which will help a LOT. Make sure to do the reading joy gave you the links to, because then you'll know what to expect and be able to plan for it!



under 5 is withdrawal  for a pack a day smoker.

start getting excited.

tell yourself to wait. make it a game.

see how long you can go. you'll get down to 5 a day in 4 weeks and be ready to quit.



Yes - it's not a good idea to cut down your smoking too much before your quit date.  It DOES put your body/mind in a constant state of withdrawal which can make you pretty miserable!  The idea is to put each one off just a bit so that you understand YOU can decide when to smoke it.. The idea isn't to almost quit before your quit date.

I third (?) the advice to read Allen Carr's book.  You will probably be amazed at what you don't know.

Stay close to us here and ask for advice and support whenever you need it.  We are all behind you, cheering you on!


Quit 7/4/12


and you'll refocus to knowing you can do it because now, you are controlling it not it controlling you.

take the high road and do it.


Just read what all these EXperts have said - they are so right! You will do this. We will be here to support you!


I don't believe in luck when it comes to quitting smoking.  It takes committment, effort, you have to follow-through.  If you rely on luck, it's a quick cop-out.

Read, read read.  Read Alan Carr's book, read blogs even if they don't seem to partain to you.  Read the comments.  Read as much as you can about OTHERS who are furthur along the trail than you.  Those are the ones you will learn the most from.

Protect Your Quit.


You'll find that those with the most experience at this are going to be telling you the same things over and over again.  That's because it's the truth.  It's the best advice you can get.  Heed it.  As you yourself said, you need to STICK to your changes.  Every change you've planned to make that you don't adhere to undermines the next plan.  You need discipline (oooh, nasty nasty word that).  And yeah, they ARE big steps.  There are no little steps when it comes to freeing one's self from this addiction.  So be proud and DO reward yourself.