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Just when I thought I had it down...

21 59 734

So Life Gets in the way and Smoking won’t help any situation.  You think it will,  but it doesn’t.  Finally I am dealing with Life without the smokes. 

Last week, I had one of those weeks...I was notified that my very dear friend, Brenda passed away.  I thought I was prepared, but I wasn’t.  I am comforted by the fact that I know this dear lady is in heaven with her son who passed 7 years ago and she is now without pain.  I am here to say, it was a rough week.

Then, I have been dealing with teeth problems since February and all through COVID, abscess, infection, two root canals, crowns, and yes this past Friday one tooth broke.  I am here to say, it was a rough week.

Next, my mom and dad’s nursing home had one of their workers come back from another state, but didn’t quarantine or tell anyone she went away and came back and gave COVID to two patients.  It will be another month before we can see my folks without glass in front of us.  I am here to say, it was a rough week.

Lastly, I suffer from trigeminal neuralgia so I needed to have my broken tooth fixed which I did yesterday and now my face is swollen and my eye closed,  I am here to say, it was a rough week last week and a bit this week.

The Moral of this story, not one of these situations would smoking have helped.  Smoking couldn’t bring Brenda back to me and her husband.  Smoking wouldn’t take away my abscess, infection, pain from root canals, etc.,  Smoking wouldn’t stop that irresponsible worker at my mom’s facility from bringing COVID to two elderly people.  Smoking wouldn’t have fixed my broken tooth.  Smoking wouldn’t help my anxiety that came with seeing my Dentist Monday and Tuesday.  Facing Life on her terms is what helped.

We all got stuff, trust me...but know Smoking Doesn’t Help Anything...Take a step ... Quit for one day and let the next one take care of itself.

Happy Hump honor of our dear  Marilyn...miss ya sweet lady, hoping you and Mark are having fun....oops missing George the camel...LOL

Love and hugs to all at Ex’s Colleen 625 DOF ~


Wow! You have been through a lot and remained smoke free, that is encouraging, good job! Just reading your post made me anxious. I hope I can be strong with stressful situations when I quit. You are right that smoking doesn't help the issues that we are dealing with. Fingers crossed that I have your kind of strength!


Wow, what a week, Colleen. I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. I hope your teeth feel better soon too. 


Good Morning

  Colleen Sorry about the loss of your friend and all the other problems that have come your way.  

After reading your post It hit me Maybe the light at the end of tunnel as our MarilynH talks about Could that be the understanding, the acceptance That Smoking doesn't help / change anything and we start living life without the crutch.    Once I realized that nothing changes I no longer struggled with quitting as I knew I quit

  Nice honest post  

Sorry again for your rough week. I hope things get better and you feel better quickly






(How could she leave me - TODAY of all days?)

Know she will be back - know that I miss her!

(And know that I am commiserating with you on your awful, lousy, no-good, crummy week, sweetplt .

SOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad you aren't smoking over it!)




  What do all Camels do when their owners leave for a few days They party "Camels Gone Wild"


image000000_35.gif Colleen and thank YOU for teaching ME when life on life terms HIT - blog BEFORE YOU take that 1st puff over YOU - WAY TO GO COLLEEN- MY deepest sympathies for the loss of YOUR friend and so sorry you cannot visit YOUR parents and GOOD job taking care of YOUR teeth - most of ALL thru it ALL staying a grateful NON SMOKER - Yahoooooooo in OUR Lord Jesus name sister amen 


15975678789955727625035602829574.jpg MY beloved sister Colleen in Christ Jesus - OUR Lord



Honestly, Jen_819 in the beginning of my quit any burp in my normal day made me think of a smoke.  I fought the “good fight” and I would say on the 70th some day I had that “aha” moment that smoking wouldn’t change anything...when that happened I got stronger and my addiction started fading.  Now at 625 days quit, I can tell you smoking wasn’t a thought...what was, dealing with each situation instead of smoking through them...for example, hubs and I spent the week with tears and talking many happy and funny memories of morning I even yelled up in the sky, “Brenda why did you die on us” I was mad...then we were able to view the memorial on many dear shed...but the good part I am going through it, not just smoking through it...and now today is a new day...and my memories of her, give me Life...not sure this makes sense...but you will have the strength when you commit to the fact, you don’t have to smoke to get through the day...right now for you it is choosing daily not to smoke.  Hang in here long enough and you will this war...Gotcha in my thoughts ~ Colleen 


Hi Slowonder Thank you so much for your kindness...the Ice bag is my best friend these past few

~ Colleen 


Thank you ....You absolutely read my mind Carl Cousin-Itt ... I thought right away about Marilyn... we still have pain, memories, hurt, anger, etc., but we now have to deal with them and not smoke through the beginning of the quit it is so hard, but as time goes, I found it is actually freeing to feel and then move on...Thank you dear Carl for always being here for me and so many...wishing you and Joyce a Happy Hump Day...~ Carl 


Hahaha...I am so glad Nancy YoungAtHeart that Marilyn and Mark got away...but she came to mind as soon as I realized it was Wednesday...((((George))))

Thank you for commiserating with me last week and on many dental issues.  Happy day and I have my ice bag.  ~ Colleen 


Thank you Diane Joy indingrl on top of everything I am truly blessed to have my gets me through so many things...but for once letting myself feel was big for me...Have a beautiful day hon....and May God Bless you too...~ Colleen 


JACKIE1-25-15 Thank you Jackie...stay well my dear...and Have a good day....~ Colleen




So sorry to hear about the awful week you've had.   You know I can truly associate with the dental crap--I go back tomorrow.  Hard to believe someone did that at the nursing home--some people are just plain selfish.  Hope your parents stay safe.  My condolences on the loss of your friend, Brenda.

I Am Sending You Positive Energy and a Big Healing Hug Right No POSITIVE |  Energy Meme on ME.ME



DAMN, girlfriend, that IS a rough week. And on top of that, the dental crap was probably caused by smoking in the first place. You're are a superstar of fortitude!


Wow, rough weeks indeed.  That's a lot of life on life's terms.  I love that you say the memories of Brenda give you Life.  That's a wonderful way to put it.  And I totally "get" what you mean.  Very sorry for your loss.  And for all the rest of the schtuff that life handed you of late.  I just looked up "trigeminal neuralgia."  Dear Lord that looks painful enough without teeth problems.  But with teeth added into the mix...!!!!!  Oooooh boy, I can't even imagine it.  What a testament to NOPE you are!  Hope the pain and swelling goes down real soon.


Oh (((((Colleen))))  Your post gives me courage to get through my issues without the smokes.

That was an awful week for you, and I'm so very sorry for the loss of your dear friend.

I think it's horrible that the worker gave COVID to 2 people in your parents home.  Very selfish thing to do.

You figured it out a long time ago, that cigarettes don't solve anything.  Proud of you.

I hope your swelling and pain goes away, and that you have a much better week and days soon.


Hi Barb Barbscloud I know you get the dental issues...luckily I get one more crown put on in September and I am done with this 6 months saga.  I wanted to “pm” you 10 times on Friday evening when my tooth broke and I thought no way...I am an accident waiting to happen...LOL...Thanks Barb for the positive energy...and I know...”this too shall pass...” good luck on tomorrow’s appointment.

Happy Wednesday ~ Colleen 


Hi Annette AnnetteMM most of my teeth issues are genetic...and inhalers for years from asthma...(cortisone) has so weakened my teeth...anyways, I know this ... “too shall pass...”...Happy Wednesday ~ Colleen 


Hi Giulia Giulia ... The trigeminal neuralgia can be rough, however, mine is not daily like many deal with it constantly and I refuse to take any nerve blocks at this time.  It usually is at its worse when I have teeth work and/or a migraine...I really try to deal through it...

I got up Monday morning and the sun was shining and I prayed, “no matter what comes my way this week, I will “fight the fight” and move on”...and smoking is not remotely in my thoughts.  It is one less situation in my life.  

Thank you for your condolences, my dear Brenda was a good Southern lady...hmm? Perhaps like someone else we know...Happy Wednesday ~ Colleen 


Hi Christine Christine13 I wrote in a post of your’s the other day, I wondered how you were doing with your quit. ??? Honestly, if you would make quitting and this journey your priority, you will find in time it really takes a back seat in your life and thoughts of smoking lessen.  I do hope you are staying quit and if not ... come to us hon...Thank you for your kindness have that courage just have to dig down and bring it a flower that blooms...~ Colleen 


Wow! I've always been a firm believer in "trouble comes in three's" it sounds like you got a triple dose of that over the past week. So sorry for all you have been going through and proud of you for making it through. Your story gave me a boost as well. The past couple of days have been rough, I somehow wrenched my back and aggravated my sciatic nerve. I've been at a level 7-10 for pain ,  unable to sleep because of it and today I am so stiff I can barely walk, I really want that few minutes of comfort a smoke would bring but I'm managing to control by repeating over and over ; IT WOULD ONLY LAST FOR A FEW MINUTES! There would be no positive lasting effects. You gave me faith that I can do this when my faith was faltering. THANK YOU !


Ah Marigene6266 ... we help each other...I am so happy you are staying strong...I hate the back pain and sciatica you are dealing with right now.  Both are painful...make finding comfort other than smoking your priority, ice, meds, resting, etc., you directing your attention to take care of the pain will keep nico further from your thoughts...I hope you can get relief soon...~ Colleen 


Wow, sweetplt‌, that is a lot. Weren't you just dealing with a tornado too? Or am I misremembering... 

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, your teeth trouble, and everything else you have going on. I cannot believe the selfishness of some people, putting others where your parents are at risk.

You truly are a strong woman. Sending positive vibes and thoughts your way.


Good memory noetoez yes tornado a few weeks ago ... thank you for the positive vibes and thoughts...means a lot to me...~ Colleen 


You have had a rough week, Colleen.  Thank you for sharing thing on top of the other...those are the hard times to take...and you came out like the winner you are and I learned so much just by reading your post.  I, too, have had a rough week of challenges one on top of the other, but didn't lose a friend.  My heart goes out to you re: Brenda, sounds like you mourned her with grace.  A hug for you...(((((((((((((((((((((((COLLEEN)))))))))))))))))))))). I admire and respect you very much!


Bonnie Ah Bonnie...Thank you so are so sweet and matter how bad, we are saying NOPE...And accepting Life and Death on their terms...hugs back...~ Colleen 


Yes, we all have our own trials & tribulations, but gosh darn it, I'm so sorry you have a bucket load to handle right now.  Sending a bushel of hugs your way and a universe of healthy vibes.  So proud of you for getting through all the "crapola" nicotine free.  You will be in my thoughts & prayers.  (((Colleen)))  


Thanks for sharing how we as quitters can go on no matter what--that a face plant into a cigarette is not required. Take extra good care of yourself, Colleen. Big hug. Wishing you peace.


Thank you Ladybug--7-3-12 ... you are a gem...and as always I am so happy when I see you around this place.  You made my day...I will  take the beautiful vibes and send some back to you too...~ Colleen 625 DOF 


Thank you dear Mary maryfreecig ... hugs back...Colleen 


Wow, absolutely incredible! You couldn't make all that up, Colleen! Condolences on the loss of your friend. So sorry to hear of your dental issues with the attendant infection,abscess, etc. That truly sucks. But then trigeminal neuralgia on top of that? I know what that is but have no idea about treatment of it. Bottom line: I care. I hope all of that turns around for you and SOON ! Sending thoughts and prayers...



Hi Gary Tsaddik1 Thank you so much...I am so happy you are hanging around, makes me feel have a lot to offer Gary...thank you for the thoughts and prayers...~ Colleen 


Oh my gosh Colleen - I am so sorry! I am sending you a big hug and some prayers. You have taken these awful challenges and used them to give a powerful message here in this blog. Thank you....Please take care! 


Ah Thank you Kathy Strudel I have learned from you and all the best of the Ex’s...Thanks for the hugs and prayers...~ Colleen 


Wow, just look at how many people love you here!


Hello my Dear Quit Friend, Colleen.  I am so sorry you have been having a rough go of it lately.  You are in my thoughts and prayers.  Thank you for reminding us that smoking doesn't fix anything, and sometimes only makes us feel worse about ourselves later on if we happen to slip up.  Sending you a long distance virtual hug *hugs*.  I hope this string of stuff eases up a bit for you.  Thank you for being a strong role model for us.  

Your friend,

Aaron 30 DOF


aaronallred4891 Thank you for your kindness, thoughts and prayers, they mean a lot to me.  

Congratulations on 30 days of Freedom...that is super...I Am taking some time out for me while healing...I learned this is important when I quit smoking....Have a beautiful day...Colleen 




{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Huge caring hug coming your way sweetie sweetplt  }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}



Im so sorry I am just seeing this. Its been hectic and THE STORM is here. Just know tonight I will be thinking about you when I make my prayers request to God and lifting you. I am so darn proud of you, and your quit and your tenacity to hang tuff through all life has felt to you. Much love and hugs coming your way ((((((((((((Colleen)))))))))))))))))))


Mandolinrain Thank you sweet’s ok...every day is a bit better...but I will definitely take a prayer...they help just enjoy “THE STORM”....Colleen 


Dang, girl. A rough week indeed. 

These are unprecedented times and we don't smoke. The other stuff would happen anyway, but we still don't smoke. We've worked too hard to get here and all those other things would be made worse with smoking. We don't do that anymore, quit cousin. I'm so glad you didn't and putting all of that into words was courageous. 

Things will even out. I promise. 


Right behind you at day 612. 

(I love that we have Ex to come to!)


My dear Colleen sweetplt‌... You have certainly been having a very, very rough time. And your commitment to your quit through all of this makes you a shining example for what is possible when it comes to staying quit.

While I have not been "tested" with all the multitude of issues that have swarmed into your life in a very short time, we do share the loss of a friend. And I must confess that out of the blue and in unexpected ways, the thought of smoking has nagged at me on an off over the past few weeks. Because that was the way I had dealed with stress and emotional pain for more than 60 years. And yet, my resolve to be an ex-smoker -- a former smoker -- and not an on-and-off smoker -- has stayed as my vision. And, I do NOT want to give away that precious cross of mine.

So, I am here to share the pain of losing a dear friend and also here to be a mutual encourager that neither you or I will allow the unthinable events of life from causing us to stumble.

We are and will remain winners~winner.jpg


laughing face.jpglaughing snoopy.pnglaughing til crying.jpg GOOD ONE CARL Cousin-Itt


DonnaMarie Hi Donna...Thank you hon, they are already evening out...things just all came at once, but don’t they always...I have to admit in the past I would have run to smoking and this time it wasn’t even a thought...I am with you...glad we have Ex’s...and yes...we are doing it...Yeah...! Happy Friday ~ Colleen 627 DOF 

About the Author
I am here to quit smoking. This will be my third quit. Both quits before lasted a long time and then about 4 years ago I thought I could just have one with a cocktail and a friend, here I am 4 years later and finally quit 13 days.