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Share your quitting journey

I quit on my quit

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I feel so guilty but life has been hqnding me a lot of challanges.  I am only smoking one cigarette per day usually after 5:00pm but in at least two light ups.  I have forgotten the person who befriended me who livee with a smoker during her quit;  please get back to me.  That is my biggest problem is my roommqate is aqlmost a chain smoker.  Our desks adjoin and when he sits down smelling of fresh ssmoke, it is so much harder.  I try sniffing he stale ashtray full of butts and that works  (for a while).  I don't believe i have a nicotine addiction anymore as I can spend 3 days with my daughter and not even think about a cigarette.  My problem is always having them in my face at home, even though he smokes outside; he sits right by the door and it wafes in.   HELP!!!


To start, how about just shutting the darn door????

You are making this quit harder by smoking one each day.  Every puff reawakens the addiction!!!!!  I bet if you keep this up, you will be back to smoking full-time just as you did before you decided to quit. 

Don't you think he STINKS when he comes inside after smoking?  Can you feel sorry for him instead of being jealous?  He doesn't want to smoke --- he HAs to smoke.

You have just got to make the decision that you will not smoke NO MATTER WHAT.  When that desire hits - you need to get busy!  The reason it's OK at your daughter's is because you have no previous triggers or associations there (and you are probably very busy). .  THAT is what you are trying to get beyond now.  Change up your routine at home.  Rearrange the furniture; change your morning ritual; go for a walk after dinner.  Play a computer game or come here and read blogs and pages during the time you have been smoking in the evenings.  Do something DIFFERENT!

You are not going to be successful until you totally quit.  Do it!



Sorry that you have picked up again.  It is hard to quit smoking and it maybe harder if you live with a smoker but it can be done. You will have to have a do or die no matter what you are not going to smoke quttitude.  Maybe your roommate will follow you instead of vice versa if you don't give up. Here is a link to a blog maybe the person you are looking for has made a comment and you can find them that way.


I am so sorry you are smoking again, even if it is just 1/ are saying you can go 3 days at your daughter,s without smoking, remember the cravings start after 72h.

please go back to Allan's book, I believe remembering reading it had a big impact on you, as it did on me.

you know if we don't change the way we do things we can't expect different results!

maybe you can move your desk, ask your roommate to smoke away from the door, and be firm in your demands!

you seem to have a serious affliction caused or made worse by smoking, that should be reason enough for your roommate to co-operate...or might just have to make other living arrangements...

good luck, keep us posted, I am sure you will find a solution, when there is a will, there is a way...



so you have 1 cigarette at 5 pm. what do you do all day while he's smoking?

and why would you determine that if you can go all day without smoking you have to have one at 5pm?

I'm not seeing logic there

No judgment here but you either smoke or you don't. Doesn't matter if it is one a day or 50. You keep that addiction by smoking. Your decision, of course, but remember that smoking doesn't take the stress away. It doesn't keep you healthy and it doesn't contribute anything positive to your life.
Sorry, meant to say that you keep the addiction alive by smoking.

No judgment here either...this is a slippery slope.  My body is loving the quit, and so do I actually. ..but the habitual craves are horrendous.   Feel your pain.


I really don't know what to say. You had your quit and you have given it away for one cigarette a day. That would be sheer torture for me. That is enough nicotine to keep you in constant withdrawal. When I first quit (6 months) my BF was still smoking and he is at my house 4 days a week! There were rules: No smoking in the house. I fixed him a spot on the side away from the door. It nearly broke us up. He stunk and I had no problem telling him about it!  But, my house, my rules! He celebrated 6 months smoke-free yesterday! I am not judging you, it is after all your decision! I am glad you are here! Terrie  I Won't Quit on my Quit!


I am picking a new quit date July 5th.  I will try to stay in touch with you all after that day has come and gone without a smoke.  Love  you all for helping me along this bumpy road.

Am going to make it!!!   Terrie, if it was my BF I would be in a better position to make up rules.  He is truly a roommate and I can't afford this place on my own.  Next summer I'll be out of here.