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Share your quitting journey

I like to be prepared...

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So it's been about 3 or 4 yrs since the last time I attmpted to quit.  the biggest difference this time?  It's MY choice,  I've felt like total crap for about 4 months.  Fatigued, crabby just simply no energy to do anything. So I decided today would be MY day.  

I can't remember many of the withdrawal I should expect and having a hard time finding this on this site.  It's been 17 hrs since my last cigarette and trust me...I want one soooo bad.   Anyhow...any help in what to expect?  


Thanks, and good luck to everyone who has started or about to start their journey!!  


When you first quit smoking watch your blood sugar the link here explains why.


A lot of good info about what to EXpect can be found on Dale's page!

You are about to be bombarded with lots of help! Keep your FOCUS!! Never lose your DETERMINATION!!



This is one of my blogs I wrote on having a quit kit. A lot of the members here put some more good things to try in their quit kit it’s worth reading.


I would rather focus on the positive like how great your gonna feel in the days and weeks to come!  One Day At a time.  All I can remember is cravings.  And of course those still come.  I have 22 days but stopped for 8 years last time I quit.  It only took one to start again.   Keep positive thoughts.  Luck has nothing to do with this.  It's positive thoughts and willpower.  Talk to you soon and welcome!


and i'd like you to know there IS a light at the end of the tunnel so you don't give up too soon!


Congrats on making the decision - when I started 166 days ago, I never thought that I would make it this far - but I have - coming up on 6 months.  The things that helped me the most was finding this site and listening to everyone's advise - from quitters that had been quit for a day or two, to the elders, some who have been quit for 10 years plus.  Read and educate yourself about this addiction, then you will know what to expect, and when it happens, you will realize that it is "normal" to feel this way, and that it will pass.  Take it one day or even one hour, if necessary, at a time!  


One of the hardest places I had to overcome smoking was my car so now I always have something to drink with me like ice tea or crystal light. Having a small bag of crunchy vegies with you all the time will help from getting extremely hungry until you can get home. I wanted to eat all the time when I first quit smoking. You can do this keep telling yourself you can. 


Welcome! And Bravo to you that this is your choice. You can do this and will definitely feel better and better as time goes on. Read all you can on this and other suggested sites. Knowledge is power. Soon you will have day 1 done and with each new day you can choose not to smoke for that one day. Those days add up !


Thank you everyone!  I will be sure to check out the links that were Im quite anxious.  Being in car will be  true test. After eating,   And because one of my other biggest triggers...drinking, that won't be happening for a LONG time.  


Thanks again for for all the words of advise and encouragement  


I hope you are also spending some time doing the reading I previously linked for you.  Allen Carr's book, especially, has been helpful to many.  It outlines what nicotine does to your body and mind.

It helps to distract yourself when you have a craving to smoke.  It takes a bit of self discipline in the beginning, but it works!  Don't let that smoking thought rattle around in your head all by itself.  Get busy!  The crave will end in about three minutes whether you smoke or not - but it makes it much easier if you don't just sit there and try to outlast it!

You CAN do this.  Stay committed.  I promise it gets easier and easier!



Stay strong you've got wonderful advice above. 


Welcome stay close to the site and read all you can on this adiction


RULE # 1 ----  Don't smoke.   Tell yourself that smoking .. even one puff.. is not an option.

You don't really WANT to smoke.  You are an addict... what you really WANT is to stop smoking.  Yes, the first step is working your way out of what I call the mind game. Once you decide to quit and understand and research and practice getting through the craves.. it honestly is not that bad. 

Now what your mind needs to understand is that you quit smoking... and there are no options... you don't smoke anymore.  Let the crave pass over you!  You can do this!


Kiki you said drinking is one of your other biggest triggers and that won’t be happing for a long time. That is the greatest decision to make when a person quits smoking is to give up the alcohol for a long time. Great job that you are giving up the alcohol for now.   We have a saying around here that alcohol is a quit killer and it is very true. I hope you sleep well tonight and have a wonderful day tomorrow.