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Share your quitting journey

Emotional Basket Case

8 29 1,119

When we first embark on our Quitting Journey we may be facing a cacophony of emotions such as anger, restlessness, frustration, irritability, insomnia, sadness, anxiety, even depression. You may decide that it's just too much to cope with and relapse in hopelessness. In fact, out of control mood changes are associated with over half of all relapses.
But it doesn't have to be this way! Knowledge of what to expect is a big first step and there's much, much more you can do to counteract these feelings. Most studies show that these mood changes reduce rapidly over the course of the first month through third month and return to baseline by six months.
There are numerous skills that counteract these emotions both proactively and during a moment of feeling overwhelmed and on the verge of giving in. Many of these have been reviewed again and again throughout BecomeanEx. Here is another one that comes from DBT - dialectical behavioral therapy.
This group of skills is called ABC Please.
- A Accumulate positive experiences
I plan delightful experiences in my to do list. It may be playing with my granddaughters, walking in a garden, watching a comedy, talking to a friend or family member, or celebrating my days of smobriety.

Tags (1)

Is there a length limit now? I was just getting started! How many characters are allowed on journals entries with this platform?


Not applicable

Wonderful blog Thomas , thanks for posting . You always have words of wisdom . If there is a cut off open a comment and keep writing my friend , I want to hear it . 


@Thomas3.20.2010  Just do a continuation.   I know, that ended abruptly.  😊



Is this the same blog you were writing when it disappeared.

Poor man!

Your thoughts are ALWAYS worth reading; hope you get it figured out.  I will @CommunityAdmin to get his attention.


Community Manager
Community Manager

@Thomas3.20.2010 I'm not aware of a character limit on Journal Articles. I'll need to look into that. This is a Journal Article as it is posted in  Journals / Blogs - EX Community  .

If you post a Discussion Topic (everywhere else except the Mayo Clinic and EX Blog) there is a 30K character limit currently. It was lower but I already increased it once already.  The person didn't actually type out 30K characters. Character count includes both the visible and invisible characters (formatting and code). 

Did you get an error somewhere that said you were over the limit?


No @@Mark it just printed this much and that's all - there was a lot more

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Thomas3.20.2010 wrote:

No @Mark it just printed this much and that's all - there was a lot more

Should work. Not sure why it got cut off after "A" and B and after are not displaying.

If you're copying verbatim from another site there is probably a lot of hidden characters that aren't visible when you copy and past them into the community. Most of it will be seen as "junk HTML code" as it probably isn't compatible and could be deemed harmful to the site if there was malicious code included. For that reason the community attempts to strip out unnecessary HTML before it posts (this is why you see that red bar on the screen as a warning when you try to post the first time). It's warning you that unnecessary code was detected and removed, check your post again to see if it still looks right. If not fix the formatting using the toolbar at the top of the textbox and then post again.

However.... I recommend against copying things verbatim from other sites as it a copyright issue.  Copyrighted Content, Solicitation and Attributions on EX is an old post I made that talks about this. I specifically delve into that topic here on how to properly attribute and mention things on other sites without copying them here. It's a great way to share resources and discuss those resources here on the community without making a copy that might be asked by the content owner to be removed by DMCA takedown request.


@Thomas3.20.2010 this is all so true...also, if we do something kind for someone less fortunate it helps us to get away from some of the self defeating feelings and opens us up to much in return...

Sorry it was cut abruptly... 

Hope all is good in your world Thomas, I always enjoy your posts...

~ Colleen 899 DOF 


Thank you Thomas, sorry you lost your blog the other day, and that somehow this one got cut off.

I really appreciate your posts and I hope you will continue.



Community Manager
Community Manager

There isn't a missing post. It's likely this one:  Big Changes! - EX Community  It just wasn't showing because of the spam quarantine still learning and calibrating.

The post isn't cut off, there isn't any additional text in the post above, you see everything that is there. More information is needed to determine what was copied and pasted to figure out what happened.  



Thank you Thomas @Thomas3.20.2010 for another powerful post, it's wonderful to see you dear friend and fellow EXer and most definetly EXtended family.....


So first of all, @CommunityAdmin I do not copy and paste - that is plagiarism! Second, I find this platform absolutely worthless to communicate useful information - I can't share permalinks, I can't share my own experiences with tools I discover, I can't compose helpful essays without being accused of "copy and paste" - I've been teetering on the edge of becoming silent anyway and the current state of affairs only verifies that I'm right! There is no place left for me at BecomeanEX. So I apologize to my Ex family and friends but I will become a silent member of this community until and if it changes it's ways. I'm not angry - I'm just done! Big Hugs to my friends - 11 years of camaraderie is hard to give up but I see no other option.


Oh my gosh sweet Thomas @Thomas3.20.2010 Huge caring hug coming your way! 💝 These platform changes are a real bummer!


@Thomas3.20.2010 so sorry to see you many have left the site...take care of you Thomas...~ Colleen 900 DOF 


I am sorry that the platform is causing you to want to leave.  It is difficult whenever we have to go through a change.  I am so disappointed that we were not informed that it would be difficult to locate our blogs which are very important in helping someone.  We were told to save our bookmarks but not the blogs.  I am sorry that @CommunityAdmin also has to take the brunt of whatever is not working for us.  There are things that I don't like about the platform but my desire to help others overrules me leaving. It is not easy, I know.  I don't post as often because of too many places to go to try to help, the fonts are not compatible to my eyesight. I struggle writing, not knowing what may happen to it.  There is no predeveloped help pages it is help but as we go along which I think is absurd. We are at a it is what it is mode. Searching for topics of value is time consuming. Hopefully the problems will be corrected before another platform is initiated.  @Thomas3.20.2010 You have been the strength, the ears, eyes, thoughts, educator, mediator for so many of us here.  God help us all to get through this and we will.  Change takes time.  Please do not leave us now.  I know it is frustrating but please give it more time and thought than emotion.  Just saying what you may say to someone else. Love you my brother.  A sad day if one of our leaders leaves.


Not applicable

Wrote a nice long reply but will not post due to this new format and the current measures it has , just know I hear ya . I've written almost everyday and it is helpful for me but have elected not to post them so they won't help others . I'm on strike . 

Thanks for this post today Thomas . I so love reading your blogs the longer the better and the more often the better but I do understand your frustration . Without words they help me . 



Community Manager
Community Manager

@Thomas3.20.2010 wrote:

So first of all, @Mark I do not copy and paste - that is plagiarism! Second, I find this platform absolutely worthless to communicate useful information - I can't share permalinks, I can't share my own experiences with tools I discover, I can't compose helpful essays without being accused of "copy and paste" 

@Thomas3.20.2010 My apologies my response was confusing. I wasn't intending to offend and wasn't accusing you of plagiarism rather just informing you as to what might have happened with your post. I didn't see what happened so I can only provide experience based hypotheses based on my knowledge to date.

In investigating your issue, as with any issue reported on the site, I looked up "ABC Please" and found many articles on the topic along the same lines though I didn't find any one in my quick search that was identical. There are people who do find fascinating topics on other sites and do copy and paste them here on EX. I've learned about some really incredible things due to this sharing. I encourage it as I think it really helps the community and is valuable to others but I have to ensure that sharing happens in a way that doesn't get Truth Initiative or BecomeAnEX in trouble so I'll provide reminders on occasion about this. I've been around the site enough with you to know you're a thoughtful content creator/contributor. Your content about COPD is so very very valuable to many. In truth, I don't think people maliciously are plagiarizing things from other sites. They're likely just excited to share something they find interesting but I have to ensure that I inform members ways to properly share things from other sites/resources so that we can continue to have BecomeAnEX as a free resource available to all. 

My comment about copying and pasting was really more broad.  Copying and pasting from another website, an email or even a word processing application and then putting that in the text box of the community can and will result in the community trying to protect itself to ensure there isn't any hidden code that would cause a security issue on the site or is just code that is incompatible with the site. Whether it is one line copied and pasted or a whole web page it will scan your post regardless. There has been some confusion since moving over to this community about the errors that pop-up when posting that talk about things being removed from the post. If you only type on the site you shouldn't see these errors but if you paste anything into the text box when you write on the site it will likely give you that error informing you that unnecessary code has been removed and you need to double check things before you post to ensure that everything is there. In most cases the visible text is the same but the formatting might be a little different. 

The previous community platform was not good at saving people's work frequently along the way so there are a number of people who have gotten in the habit of composing their posts on word processors and then copy and paste into the site. While the current community is much better with saving your work as you type (every 30 seconds) there are some issues with viewing drafts and editing Journal Articles that we're working through. I definitely want to inform people the pros and cons to composing posts outside the community and then pasting them on the site. You can do it but expect that it will probably show you an error before you post. I really do want people to have a positive experience here. 

I hope that you continue to post here and provide posts on mental health and COPD. The community is organized a little differently than the previous one but the core functionality is very similar. In the transition to this community platform, we did consolidate a lot of things so there were fewer areas to post things and removed the variety of posting options so there are only Journal Articles and Discussion Topics (Polls, Events, Status Updates, Documents, Videos, etc. don't exist or were not enabled) as we had received feedback on the previous platform that there were too many options.

Can you explain what you mean by not being able to share permalinks.  I share them all the time on the site. I'd like more info on this. Similarly with "tools" those are welcome as well.

@Thomas3.20.2010 wrote:

I've been teetering on the edge of becoming silent anyway and the current state of affairs only verifies that I'm right! There is no place left for me at BecomeanEX. So I apologize to my Ex family and friends but I will become a silent member of this community until and if it changes it's ways. I'm not angry - I'm just done! Big Hugs to my friends - 11 years of camaraderie is hard to give up but I see no other option.

I disagree, you have a lot to offer. I'm trying to help everyone understand when things happen differently than they expect (partially because this is a new platform) what it means and how to move forward. By being silent the many people who come here to gain experience from successful quitters like you will not be helped. 

The platform was built how it was built. There is limited configurations that can be done and some ability to customize. We just launched a little over two months ago and are working daily to adjust and tweak things based on the feedback provided. 

I really think it's not as bad as you feel it is. It's not all that different from the platform before and they're working to incorporate more things in this platform from Jive. They've already added several things in the last two years that didn't exist on Khoros. Groups are more similar to Jive now and also the ability to mention posts. Big Changes! for example. I expect that to continue into the future as there are many communities that converted from Jive to Khoros.

Updated: I had missed some things on my initial post so I added some updates.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@JACKIE1-25-15 @ wrote:

I am so disappointed that we were not informed that it would be difficult to locate our blogs which are very important in helping someone.  We were told to save our bookmarks but not the blogs.

I'm sorry @JACKIE1-25-15 . Moving a community is a very complex activity. Moving the content alone is a huge undertaking but you also have to design the new place.  Unfortunately some things get overlooked. We were also under a very compressed timeline so some things just weren't possible in the time we had available. The Journals (formerly blogs) are there they're just not browseable like they were previously. I too miss the ability and hope that Khoros can build something that is similar to Jive. We're not the only community that misses it. As to the Bookmarks, I had a list of things that could be migrated and a list of things that couldn't be. We informed you that bookmarks couldn't be migrated so that you were aware so that you could back them up before we moved. Since all the Journals were moved there was no need to save them.  You can still find them, they're just not as easy to browse to as it was on Jive. Searching will allow you to find them if you provide key words you used in a Journal Article from your past.  You can also @mention them which I know you have done in some cases from what I've seen in replies just as you were able to on Jive.  This is how I feel right now.  This is a post you wrote in 2018 which I found on page 100 of advanced search for Journal Posts by you ( Search - EX Community ). Hopefully Khoros will provide a way to give more than 100 pages of search results. 

@JACKIE1-25-15 wrote:

I don't post as often because of too many places to go to try to help, the fonts are not compatible to my eyesight. I struggle writing, not knowing what may happen to it.  There is no predeveloped help pages it is help but as we go along which I think is absurd. We are at a it is what it is mode. Searching for topics of value is time consuming. Hopefully the problems will be corrected before another platform is initiated.

Re: too many places to check
I've mentioned it before but we've removed a lot of inactive places (mostly inactive groups) that we had on the previous platform. Any time there is activity and someone posts something, there will be a post on the home page. For Discussion Topics (Support, Quitting Methods and  Health Conditions), things that you haven't viewed will have an indicator (Red bar) on the left side of the post that you haven't viewed it, once viewed the bar will disappear. Also on the home page there is an activity area that has Posts, New and Recent.  Posts is the total posts, New is posts(including comments/replies) in the last 7 days that aren't read and Recent is the the number of new posts in the last 30 days. 

Re: Fonts
We've modified the font to make it heavier already but we can't make it much heavier.  Changing the color of the background might be an option but I haven't gotten a chance to explore that more with other things that have higher priority.

Re: Help Documents
We created a lot of them before with Jive and a lot never got looked at. It can take a lot of time to put them together. Also if things change they need to get updated and can get out of date quickly. Knowing that we're going to be gathering feedback and changing things and a very compact timeline we didn't put a lot of help documents together but any questions people have I've been trying to be very reactive in Community Help Discussions - EX Community There are some that are here. And I've also done some here:  Community How-To's - EX Community  . If there are specific things you're looking for assistance on please post them in  Community Help Discussions - EX Community  .

Re: Fixing issues
Changing platforms is not something we want to do. It's disruptive to the community and takes a lot of time and resources. We won't be moving if we can help it for a long time. Moving in March wasn't something we had envisioned in when we moved in January 2017 but unforeseen circumstances happened which required a move. I'm hoping that we can work to make the community a place that most people like to participate again. I know change is rough. I'm right here with you.

Community Manager
Community Manager
@Anonymous  wrote:

Wrote a nice long reply but will not post due to this new format and the current measures it has , just know I hear ya . I've written almost everyday and it is helpful for me but have elected not to post them so they won't help others . I'm on strike . 

@Anonymous I am sorry the new community platform has been disappointing to you. It's inconvenient any time a platform change is made and some like the change and others don't. New members however are coming here for help, so dwelling and unhappiness about the change doesn't benefit new members. I truly empathize with those who are unhappy or are confused but we have to come together to make the best of this. Striking is not the answer. It's not beneficial and doesn't pay it forward in a way that has been the amazing spirit that has driven this community forward for many years.

As I mentioned before, I'm not aware of any character limits on Journal Articles but I have asked for clarification. Discussion Topics do have a limit (with is 30K) currently. If people are seeing an error when trying to post long posts we can definitely explore on increasing it. I've already increased it once because it was lower so that someone wouldn't get an error. 30K is a lot of characters though so I don't imagine many if anyone would ever see that error. 

As the Community Manager, I'm here as your advocate, working along side you all to make the community the best that it can be. Yes, I know some people call me an Administrator, but I do a lot more than administrate. I interact and care for the community in many ways that an Admin of a community would not. We need to band together and work through the change to make the best of the change as possible. Some things will take time to fix while others I'll be able to fix quickly. Some things will be bugs and I'll have to wait to be fixed for us while other things may need to be designed and built to work in a way that is best for our community usage. 

You've quit. I know that is a struggle. I've been reading about people's quit journeys for more than 5.5 years now and helped a friend on his quit journey years before that. Just like you didn't give up on your quit journey when you faced challenges, don't give up on this community or the members that are coming here today, tomorrow and next year looking to find someone else who understands them and can support them through their journey, especially those who don't have anyone in their actual life who supports them.

Not applicable

@CommunityAdmin , the site not disappointing it's frustrating yes frustrating but not disappointing .  Its still up and running and still helping newcomers .  Each of us is different . All works together for good one day .  I'm hoping some of those things might change but if not fine then I have to change how I help others and use the tools I'm comfortable with that are given here. if I'm not comfortable anymore journaling things then I'll just respond .. easy fix .

I am also not aware of word number restrictions .  You assumed I was complaining . I just offered a quick resolution for Thomas if he wanted to add what was cut off .





Thomas, I too have been struggling with the new platform, and seem to be in constant debate with myself  whether to remain or go.  The frustration with not being able to locate blogs, along with the error messages one receives off and on when trying to post, really make it an onerous and unpleasant experience when trying to offer support.  I have a suggestion for the former problem which I began to work on for myself last night.  And that is to make a list (with attendant links) to our own material that we think worth passing on.  It's going to take time to do that, but eventually we will have created our own blog container.  And we can then point to others' containers.  My worry with that is because there will be so many links (in some cases), that the spam robot will think it's spam, or there may be too many characters, or whatever the case - and it too will become difficult to post.  And unfortunately we will then be unable to edit it for future blog references we might wish to add.  It seems we're stuck between a rock and a hard place.  

That your input here is so very valuable, needed and important  goes without saying.  It's also a piece of love.  Jackie said it all very well.  With each Elder that departs it makes it harder and harder for the remainders (well, for me anyway) to stick around.  Kind of like when people relapse.  It makes it harder to hang on to one's own quit.  

But I'm still hungry to help people beat this addiction bugger.  And I keep working on "getting over myself" and my problems with this new site.  It is a daily challenge for me to push through my negative emotions about this.  But I haven't given up yet!  I hope you won't either.  We need each other here.  And this site and the newbies need us too.  You know?  The camaraderie is what keeps a community together.  And the friendships we've formed throughout the years here (whether in the flesh or just in cyberspace) - are too valuable to let go of without a great deal of consideration.  It costs on both ends.  That's one of the reasons I am still here.  Those bonds are pretty important and if I CAN get over myself and my site angst, I owe it to the community to do so.  After all, they have buoyed me up when I needed it and taught me so much about myself.  Let's try to hang in a little longer.  I will if you will.  What do you say?



Hi, G!

I appreciate your thoughtful comment and will consider my role here. But now by no means related to Becomeanex I will be entering a mental hospital to deal with my major depressive disorder. It may be awhile before I have the space to think about it all. Always know that you are in my thoughts and prayers!


And you too know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.  ♥  Meanwhile we will miss you.  And that's okay.


Caring hugs  @Thomas3.20.2010 and @Giulia 🤗💝


Good vibes Thomas.......



@Thomas3.20.2010   Wishing you the best.   Take care and look forward to your return.



I too am wishing for Thomas to do well. Even though I am an elder and I am off the site, I do go to the site to read and it helps me intensely to see the people that I knew still on the site. Also just reading what people are writing reinforces my determination never to smoke again. So you all are helping even the ones that don’t come to the site every day just by being there.


Huge caring hug coming your way @Trisha76 🤗

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1