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Share your quitting journey

Depression and Smoking

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As many of you know I suffer from Major Depressive Disorder. In fact, I get very suicidal and need hospitalization to see me through the darkest days. That's why I disappear for weeks at a time. 

I was on sabbatical recently because of a deep depression following the loss of a young friend of mine to suicide. I am still recovering but now in more of a state of natural grief.

When I get into the funk I feel that nobody wants to hear/read anything I have to say and suspend blogging.

What I don't do is think of smoking! 

I have come a long way on my quit journey with 10 years plus quit. Yet I still work my quit journey each day at a time because as Giulia points out - even long term quitters have relapsed and I choose not to do that!

I call smoking the "little suicide" because of all the damage it does to folks. Smoking is dangerous and destructive. We all know this but because it is an addiction we act as though it weren't true. 

I was driven to quit smoking by COPD. When I first quit it was 6 days after being diagnosed with Stage 1 - now I have Stage 3 COPD and use oxygen therapy 24/7. Now, COPD contributes to my depression.

Had I not quit smoking when I did I most likely would not still be alive to share this thought with you. 

Folks with depression may think, I can't quit - it's too stressful! Yes, you can! You will face your own challenges during your quit journey but you can do this! Actually, quitting smoking will lead to less depression and anxiety. And it's important! You may need more support from your therapist and Doctor but you can do this.

"Persons with serious mental illnesses die up to 25 years earlier, often from tobacco related diseases." 

Embrace life, care for yourself, and stop looking at mental illness as an insurmountable barrier to quitting!

If I can do it so can you! 

Live Long and Prosper!

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1