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Share your quitting journey

Day #2

0 18 242

Have not smoked a single cigarrette since yesterday. The desire though is strong, but I WILL NOT SMOKE!

I will be on my way to college in 2 hours and it has been a habbit to smoke at least 3 cigarrettes on my way there. That will be a real test!

18 Comentarios

Very good on not smoking.  Make it an everyday challenge and soon you'll have your 30 days of Freedom in.  I just passed that milestone.  Drink you a glass of cool water before you venture off to school.  It will help with any cravings.


Are you using an aid?


It is a test that you will pass! Congratulations on no smokes since yesterday!!! I remember it was a real struggle for me in the beginning but each day really does get better.  Drink LOTS of water!! If you are a coffee drinker cutting back on that helped me. You can do this!!! Just remember NOPE - not one puff ever! Read up on nicotine addiction. The more you learn the more you know how to defeat the nicotine demon. The desire is strong but YOU ARE STRONGER! Make a list of all the reasons you have quit and read it when you are feeling pulled. Put the money you are saving in a jar and then use it to buy yourself something. You've earned it! You are doing great!!!!


Atomic Fire Balls were my Best Friend at the beginning.      You are going to do prepared!

Sharon   332 DOF


Bring bottled water and keep sipping on it.  Do slow deep breathing.  Crank the music up.  Remember a crave only lasts a few minutes.  You can do this!!


Thank you Deena, I will use your advice 🙂

Jonescarp, do you mean drugs my aid?

I know that there are some gums for smoking, but I want to end this without gums or any other kind of drugs.

Did you use any kind of aid when you were quiting?


OMG unbelievable... I was answering to the first 2 comments, and when I finished typing and refreshed the page more of you commented... The help that I am getting here is insane!!! Seriously did not expect something like this! YOU ARE ALL SO AWESOME, THANK YOU FOR BACKING ME UP :")


I think Jonescarp meant nicotene replacement aids like gum or the patch...there's even a pill called Chantix I think.


Good job!!  Change things around a bit on your way to school, maybe take a different route, put a rubber band on your wrist and snap it every time you get a crave, carry some bottled water and deep breathing helps alot.  Inhale.........hold........exhale.. Do that several times.  Nicotine is generally out of your system in 3 days- you are almost there.  Then it will be a matter of mindset... You have to be very strong there.. Visit here often and read, read, read.. You will be given links to a few sites and books, use them.  The more you learn about this addiction we have the stronger it will make your quit!!!~This is doable!! Welcome to the EX Family, we are here to back you and cheer you on!!!


235 DOF


I am not living in US as most of you I guess do, thus I will try to find that pill. Hope they have it here!


I would not use anything where you control the dosage. Many use them to where they get addicted to them. I used the patch for 10 days.

The nicotine is out of your system in 72 hours. The worst of the quitting symptoms last 2-3 weeks for most.

The habit is the motions of smoking. The habit becomes the most difficult part of quitting.


Hang in there - the first few days are the hardest but gets much easier after that.


congratulations keep up the good work. my quit date is Sunday.



This website along with helped me understand addiction to nicotine and how to embrace the great decision to quit smoking.  Come here often and read others blogs. It helps to know you have a support group, welcome to thr EX community.


Congrats on your quit!!  Hang in there! 


It gets better sugar free gum helped me I used nic gum for a couple days after reading decided I wanted all of it out of my body to be done with it almost 7 months later doing great just hang in there 


It really does get better...water helps, hard candy helps, music helps...changing your usual route might be something you could also try.  It is so worth it to be smoke free.


You are doing great! Congrats to you! Stay close here - and check out the free course at: 

Congrats again!