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Day 2

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Back to Charlotte early this a.m. for pulmonary rehab. My O2 sats were up a little from 93%-95% and I handled the 1st day orientation goals well (excersize) even though I'm still pretty short of breath with chest tightness.

It's a long day for me in Charlotte, somewhat tortuous without smoking as I have a lot of down time. I did make the morning AA meeting, bring books as well as crocheting to keep me busy. Thurs. I plan to do some shopping while I'm there so I'm looking forward to that.

My biggest complaint is this exhaustion from sleep deprivation. I'm really starting to question all those people that say lack of sleep never killed anyone. Anyway I see my psychiatrist on Thurs. afternoon so hopefully she'll be able to offer some help.

I'm so happy to have this place to come to to read blogs and share the discomfort of withdrawals knowing that everyone else here understands.



I know that I am constantly exhausted and it is partially from the COPD.  Your oxygen saturations are  really good, I check mine when I am feeling particularly tired just to be sure it is not low.  Mine has been running in the mid 90's too so I am guessing that my exhaustion is related to my RA.  It's always something.  

Hope you get some help.


Sleep is elusive for me also, Connie. My problem is an over thinker's brain that just won't shut down. Hope the doc can give you some help, sleep is such a marvelous thing! Yay for day 2!


When we don't get our sleep it's really hard and really makes for a very long day but try to rest whenever you get a chance and know that smoking would only drain you more than you already are. (((Huge cyber Hug for you Connie)))


Way to go, Connie.  Hope you get some sleep.  So glad you are here.


Proud of you!  Glad you had a good day.


My psychiatrist says that I'm being to nervous because of trying to give up smoking. Hope you managed to make some progress. I did, but instead I became so rude and evil looking...


ex-smoker [Content  Removed]

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About the Author
I'm 59 with severe COPD. I've decided I really want to live and I won't if I smoke. I have 4 grown boys, a grandson and granddaughter due on 9/10. Lots of reasons to live.