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Share your quitting journey

Day 2

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I have been smoking for 20+ years and decided I had to quit. I am only on day 2 completely smoke free but noticing that I don't know how to enjoy anything anymore without a cigarette. I have to quit, tired of paying to kill myself slowly but can't wait until I can watch a tv show that people are smoking and not want a cigarette. Or to get out of work and not want a cigarette. I'm not having physical withdrawals and have to get past the habit of having a cigarette in my hand and the emotions of it. I will do this but I can't wait to smile again!

Welcome to Ex Llbug. Great decision to improve your life by quitting cigarettes ! Are you using nicotine patches or gum u o help you quit ? Post back with your plan and any questions you might have. And take the time to explore this website and read away. Thanks for joining us 🙂 Kjay

It will get easier. I promise you that. I felt same way. Hang in there, it's so worth it 😉




You are definitely in the right place.  Congrtas on Day 2!  That's huge and you should be proud of yourself.  It will get easier!  Hang in there and remember you have much support here.  You're worth the struggle my friend!


when you're watching TV, chew on a popsicle stick, toothpick, a cut off straw.  in the beginning holding a straw or a cinnamon stick saved me.  It was just a comfort in the first few months to have that between my fingers for some reason


Best way to start smiling again is to start smiling again. Honest. Stand in front of a mirror and make faces at yourself, including a big ol' cheshire cat grin. Just the act of smiling makes you happier. Congratulations on 2 days - you're almost through the toughest part.


Recovery from Addiction is all about learning to become a New You! You are responsible for deciding who that is and how you act. But Rome wasn't built in a day! Little by little minute by minute decide what you wish to do and how. You have the Power to decide. Smoking isn't necessary! It's a learning process!


You can smile if you chose to smile. Welcome to EXYou have come to the right place.  This is all about you and what you are willing to do to be smokefree.

 Start First, by educating yourself about nicotine addiction.  Education is the key to a successful quit.

Read: Freedom from Nicotine My Journey Home and Nicotine Addiction 101         

Here are the links   and

Also Read   Allen Carr’s book, “Easy Easier Way to Quit Smoking”.       

The link is here:

 Go to the home click on About EX tab and get started. We will support you. You are in your journey for freedom.





Read, educate yourself and smile, you started a beautiful journey towards a better you!  The road can be difficult at times, but it is only getting easier with every day, and the sooner you understand how much happier you'll be as an Ex-smoker, the easier to take on all the daily challenges!

Congratulations on the best decision you made for your health!


Welcome, there is so much support here, you can do this!!!


Thank you all for your kind words and support, I get frustrated at times but am encouraged by your words!

Hi again Llbug I hope you have been poking around this site and learning about the quit process. There is much to learn, and many people here who will respond to any questions you might have. Hope your day 2 is going well. Drink alot of water between now and bedtime. Post another blog tomorrow if you need some encouragement on day 3. Kjay