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Share your quitting journey

C.O.P.D., Heat, Humidity, etc...commitment and why I haven't been here!

1 22 69

Hello Everyone,

Usually, I blog on Sunday evening only to promote the Pledge Group, Before I do that I want to speak to anyone that is lurking behind the scenes, reading blogs, that hasn't yet quit, please set your date, prepare and get busy quitting. If you are here and struggling with your quit, please stick with it. Struggling to breathe is so much worse!

Why I haven't been here:

Last week I was outside for a couple days cleaning up a lot as a community volunteer. I am already on night time oxygen but, never really gave thought to just how much the heat and humidity could hurt me. (Yes, I do know better) At first just a little and then I had to go back on the oxygen 24/7. I am exhausted, sleeping up  to 15 hours a day! I haven't blogged about it because I don't like to say much about it because I brought this on myself! I smoked and I would not listen to anyone about the dangers!  I am doing what I can to ease the struggle to breathe. I have a nebulizer for breathing treatments. I will call my Pulmonologist first thing in the morning. I have these spells whenever I don't listen to my body. I will get better! The point is I didn't have to do all this, to begin with!

I love summer and love to be outside, doing everything outside. But thought it was cool to smoke and then I thought I had to smoke and couldn't quit. I was so wrong. Now I can't spend near as much time outside as I would like to! If you are here to quit smoking or to stay quit, we will help you!

If you are smoking or thinking about going back to smoking, please don't smoke!


Here is a way to commit to your quit or if you are already quit, commit to keeping your quit strong.

I would like to remind you to reinforce your commitment not to smoke! Please join us in "The New Daily pledge group"! The link below will take you directly to the group We are on page 5. If you are new to EX or haven't pledged for a while, just take the person's hand before you and pledge not to smoke, then offer your free hand to the next to pledge.

Please join us!

If you would like to join the group click the link below, then look to the left. There is an option to join the group!

Hope to see you there!           Terrie  384 DOF!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!


Dang girl. ..everyday,  going through this journey, I make the statement in my head, with its never startee, wish I would have quit sooner.   Yep, I have my bad days....but with the encouragement and supportt that it will and does get easier is what gets me through.  I have smoked for 40 years, so I have no clue yet what health issues related to this addiction will surface.

But after reading your blog about the humidity,  I can thankfully say I didn't struggle breathing in this humidity like I USED too. couldn't be because I smoked..right???  

Hope strength returns to you.


(and there is NO point in continuing to beat yourself up over not quitting....didn't you do enough of that all the times you failed?)

You DID it - too late to keep COPD away - but you DID it and should be proud of that.


Terri that's a bummer about the breathing problems. You'll be in my prayers. Let's stay strong. Pops
Prayers!! I hope things get better for you! I agree with Nancy no used to beating yourself up but focus on how far you've gotten you've quit already and thats what counts now! Do what you can to regulate your lungs now that you've quit I'm sure things should get better before they even try to get worse. *cyber hugs* and stay encouraged! Kimberly


Praying for you, my Friend!


Please do not be hard on yourself.  Quitting smoking is difficult and you did it.  Be proud of yourself.  You encourage so many of us with your sweetness and your words.  God works in mysterious ways.  Get better my friend.  Love,   Barbara


Take care of yourself.  We need the Sunshining.  


do not beat you up, just get better((((((h))))))


Here's a  ((((huge loving cyber hug for you Terrie¥))) - no more beating yourself up, you are now an Ex smoker and your quit is secure so chin up, do what you need to do to feel better, you can't kick yourself for failed quits but you can congratulate yourself for this wonderful successful quit, good thoughts and prayers going up for you Terrie, I hope you will be able to sleep my friend and fellow Exer! 


Sending you bigs hugs and prayers for speedy recovery. I know its hard not to beat yourself up  especialywhen your struggling.  I find myself beating me up too as I struggle with this heat and humiidity.Don't waste the energy of wishing, should've and focus on feeling better.  Look how long you have not smoked be super proud that you finally did it stop.  Big hugs my friend. Hurry and get better we miss you.


Welcome back Terrie, we missed you here!

Please get better soon, hugs, 



I've just written a new blog thanks to you and your words here.  (currently in editing mode)  Actually the thought that you were "beating yourself up" didn't cross my mind (until I read the responses).  I just saw this as an incredibly potent blog about all the reasons NOT to continue to smoke.  I don't see you as beating yourself up.  I see you as simply providing an impactful example of why we all need to stop.

If you ARE beating yourself up - well - STOP IT!  lol 

You've quit.  You've wised up.  You're an Elder with over a year smoke free.  You DID IT!  Rejoice!


I am rejoicing!

The following comment or two are compliments of Giulia and my silliness! She is right there were no self-beat downs involved! I only intended to help others quit/stay quit! + I was throwing a tantrum because I can't play outside! HA!


Giulia an hour ago


I don't have breathing problems (yet), but the humidity affects me horribly so I can only image what it must be like for you. Maybe we all need to move to the desert with the iguanas and suck on cactus leaves. Feel better my friend. And stay ornery!


ornery (to Giulia from Terrie)


I don't know how to put this on your message board. I tried, but here it is all the same!





Love you!


I Won't Quit on my Quit!


From: Giulia
56 minutes ago


RE: ornery




ON THE FLOOR!!!!!!!    OMG. 



You have a new message board comment from Giulia. It reads:

You really should copy the exchange we've just had and put it on your blog, together with the images. Others should have as much fun! I can't believe you found that picture! You are one of a kind!


LOL So great to see your sense of humor has not been affected, Terrie! Hoping your breathing gets better soon. Prayers and (((hugs))) for you. Love ya!



Sorry about the oxygen 24/7.  I am still on oxygen just at night but this heat and humidity have really affected my breathing as well.  Now I have to be on oxygen to use the treadmill and the stationary bike at pulmonary rehab.  I have not been spending a lot of time outside, it is just the walking back and forth to the car and using an outdoor pool for an hour every other day to exercise.  This weather is horrible.

Feel better.


Terrie, you scared me for a first I thought I read that you had smoked!    Then I went back and read each word instead of every other!      WHEW!!!!

Please don't be upset at yourself..........I wonder sometimes if my cancer (which they still haven't figured out where it started) is solely because I smoked for so long.     I get angry at myself.     Then I realize being angry at me does no good today!!!

Remember that and take care of yourself!

Love you!


Hopefully you can get off the 24/7 oxygen soon and only use it at night.  You are really missed around here!  i will keep you in my prayers!


I am glad you blogged about it. We all need to know what can/will happen.  Love ya!


Haha Terrie love that pic. Funny how you found a pic right to Giulia's description. lmao. Stay onery and get better quick. Big hugs!


Terrie, my friend, you have such a delighful way of rallying the troops!!  The pics were wonderful!

As for the breathing problems, I am sorry that you are struggling.  Please don't feel that you can't share anything here...especially the problems that stem from smoking.  We need to hear, we need to share, and we need to support each other.  That's what this site is all about.  I love that you are positive and totally committed to helping others but I want you to know that I love you regardless of whether you are positive or not, helping others or not. 

You matter.  Just you, no matter how you feel.  So if you are feeling bad, please allow us the opportunity to share in that as well.  We can't help, per say, but we can hold your hand, share similar stories, or just ease your way for a bit.

Damn humidity!!  Take good care of you and I am here if you need me 🙂


Thinking about you and sending prayers for you to feel better!  Thank you for sharing!  

About the Author
Hello, I am a 59 year old female, name Terrie, still growing up. I have moderate COPD. I am an oxygen patient, currently not in need of the 24/7 or night time oxygen. Thanks to all the great support and education I got here on EX. My original quit date was 07/06/15 on day 519 I relapsed and started over in less than 24 hours. I want to go to the great beyond being a former smoker and I shall! COPD is not choosy! and not pretty! May 1rst, 2017 I am using Dale's suggestion to put off a cigarette each time and I am down from 50 to 20. I am looking forward to my old(7-6-2015)/new quit date 7-6-2017 May 4th, 2017 I started with Marlboro reds. Nicotine is a very assinine addiction. Once addicted I found I would smoke any of it including the little cigar/cigarettes, and it's still true since I threw away my quit and stopped being true to myself. I will smoke ANYTHING with nicotine in it to get the fix. I hate smoking! I am not having a problem stopping it's staying stopped, that I am not doing! I do not buy anything but regular tobacco but if caught without it I will do anything except vape to get the fix. UPDATE POSTED 04/24/2018: Getting ready to set a quit date and begin again :)