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Breaking the chain

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I’ve been a smoker for about 30 years. Back in the day a pack of cigarettes was like .80 cents. Nowadays they’re more than 5$ a pack. I always said once a pack reaches 5$ I’m going to quit. That never happened. I’ve paid upwards of 8$ a pack. No matter what I was gonna have my cigarettes. I liked to smoke. Enjoyed it even. And I smoked a lot. At certain family functions I was the only smoker but by golly I was going outside alone to get that cigarette. Going on trips we’d have to pull over so I could smoke. Cold outside, rain, snow? No problem just give me the cigs. Getting low on a pack of cigarettes? Utter panic. Better stop and get 2-3 packs maybe even a carton if they were cheap enough. I had to have them they ruled my every move. 5 days ago I was pretty sick but still smoking. Went to doc and had pneumonia but man I was still gonna smoke. And I did for 2 more days and then realized the utter lunacy and grip that the cigarettes and nicotine had on me. Just quit on March 1st and it’s been a real struggle. I’ve searched every crack and crevice for a butt or a cigarette. I’ve left all money and credit cards at home in fear of buying a pack. I’ve read about the immediate positive effects quitting will have but yet I struggle. I know the cigarettes are terrible for my health. I’m just taking it one second at a time. Right now I’ve not smoked for 5 days but it was a battle each day. I’m just hoping I can get to a point where I’m not all consumed about having getting or smoking a cigarette. Each day you fight the battle is a day closer to freedom from the cigarettes and nicotine. Good luck to everyone who is on this journey to have a healthier lifestyle. 


Wow!  Congrats,  you jumped right in and did it! 

I'm sure the elders are on there way right now to give you the most amazing advice you could ever want or need.  But in the meantime,  Welcome to Ex and to freedom.  We are here for you.


Time is the healer.

Time allows you to unlearn the ritual.

Onward and upward!


 You are doing this quit and you're doing it one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time deep breaths and know that we're all here to help you in any way we can, please read everything you can because there's a wealth of information right here on this site to strengthen your resolve to kick the nicotine poison to the curb permanently it's not easy by any stretch of the imagination BUT boy oh boy it's so worth it to be Free. Uhurtme


I remember telling myself when they hit a dollar a pack I'd quit than at 2, 3, 4, and 5 dollars I wonder how high I would have gone if I didn't get sick.  My last 2 were on the way to the emergency room couldn't breathe. I'll make it quick While I was in the hospital everyone told me I had to quit. Wife, my sons, my brothers and sisters nurses and all my doctors I hated being told to do I had to anything and I probably would have except for my Pulmonologist he told me I had a choice He said if I still chose to smoke he would take care of me the best he could just the same as if I quit.   He looked and said you have the choice of the quality of life you want to live. He never mentioned it again and my Choice was to quit.   So as you move on in your quit it will get easier and you will feel a sense of pride knowing you made the right choice


great decision ! Congratulations.. very clear understanding that nicotine is troubling.

Quitting is not easy, so it will give you hard time. However as days passed on, you would gain confidence, and at some point of time, you will feel, it was good that I sustained my quit program, and that made me happy.

Currently, just try to do any other thing you may like, other than smoking. 

All the best !


bitmoji-20200305074434.png5 days of FREEDOM from NICOTINE- WAY TO GO


Great work on Five days of Freedom!!


The countdown is on!!! So glad your doing this!


CONGRATULATIONS!  Good for you, remember that the addiction will pull out all the stops as you progress.  It will be like an out of control toddler having a tantrum to get you back.  Give it a time out.  You can do this.



Welcome and big congrats on 5 days smoke free.   It's not easy but so worth the work to become a non-smoker.  There are ups and downs on this journey, but you'll find your way to success.   If you haven't done so educate yourself about nicotine addiction.  Did you create a quit plan?   Education and preparation made it possible for me.  And, of course support from this community.  Stay close and reach out if you need encouragement.  We're here for you.



What a blessing that moment of sanity was. By relearning life we quit the addiction/dependency and we do this one day at a time only. I'm glad you found Ex. The community is here for oneanother 365--lots of experience and fellowship to help you sort out your quit. by Jackie

/blogs/Marilyn.H.July.14.14.-blog/2019/10/28/with-committment-we-can-will-succeed by Marilyn

Dopamine - the Double Edged Blade by Thomas

What is the Single Best Thing You Can Do to Quit Smoking? - YouTube  a classic quit video

Yes you can!


Thank you to everyone for all the positive words of encouragement! It makes this road to quit a little less lonely and scary!