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Share your quitting journey

Ana19 Archived Profile

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Grandmother of two. I'm disabled, so I and my husband take care of our grandsons during the day.  I am on permanent disability, so I volunteer at a local hospital, heading up the student volunteer program there.  I truly enjoy what I do -- while feeling crappy all the time because of my illnesses, so this gives me contact with the "real world."  

Brief Description

55 Year-Old Female


No website in profile.


central valley, california


volunteering, reading, gardening


too many to count!

6 Comentarios

About 3 days ago, I was diagnosed with early COPD and was given an inhaler.  This scares me!!  I am waiting for my Chantix to arrive and I'm disappointed with myself for not just stopping cold turkey.  I know I can stop this time as I have a very good incentive -- my health!!  Any comments, thoughts or ideas?  I feel like I have to do this all alone.  Thank you.


First, once you get your Quit Journey launched - the How I Quit becomes irrelevant. The main thing is that you are no longer polluting your body! And YES you can do this! 

I quit smoking 7 1/2 Years ago 6 days after being diagnosed with COPD. Since then I have made it my duty to find out all that I can about COPD and to manage the disease to the best of my ability. So I took over a COPD‌ Group that had died on the vine. You are more than welcome to join and contribute anything you wish! We are intermittently active there.

Here's a good place to start: 

You are definitely NOT ALONE!


I read the article.  Thank you.


Ana19‌ You most definitely do NOT have to do this alone.  I also have COPD and it progressed after I quit smoking...I am sure that the progression was slowed by my quit but it still kept moving and the damage that I did is irreversible.  I do exercises in a pool, I read everything I can get my hands on about COPD and living with it.  I learned to breathe in a more efficient way so that I do not get as short of breath.  I take a deep breath in through my nose and let it out slowly through my pursed lips.  It is challenging for me to do anything that requires exertion but it is possible with the right breathing.  There are many, many people on this site at all stages of their quits...some have just started, some have been here for years.  I strongly suggest going to JonesCarpeDiem‌'s page and reading /blogs/jonescarp.aka.dale.Jan_2007-blog/2011/06/26/what-to-expect-in-the-first-four-months  as well as My Welcome To New Members (10 Years Of Watching).  I also recommend reading JACKIE1-25-15‌'s page and reading /blogs/JACKIE1-25-15-blog/2017/08/07/plan-prepare-practice-to-protect and When I signed into the page, I went to MyQuitPlan and I PREPARED for my quit, I began paying very close attention to what my triggers were and what I expected a cigarette to do for me.  Turns out cigarettes never did anything FOR me, just TO me.  This is, in my opinion, the best site there is to get support from planning your quit to starting your quit and then to maintaining your quit.  I have not smoked in over 3 1/2 years after smoking for 47 years...quitting only for pregnancies and some short term failed quits on my own.  This is an ADDICTION and as such, recovery is a journey, not an event.  It keeps going and going as long as WE keep going.  Protecting our quits must be our number one priority...ALWAYS.

Welcome to EX and to the COPD group.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Welcome back Ana19 . It's great to see someone return!

This blog post is a copy of your old profile from the previous community we were on.  We moved in January 2017. Feel free to edit your new profile here: Ana19 .  Also if you're looking for support some places have been mentioned above or you can go to‌ to share your story or ask a question.

EX Community Manager


Hi Ana.  You're not alone here.  We will all walk this walk with you.  And you don't have to be disappointed in yourself for getting a little help from Chantix.  Quitting is tough and we need all the aids we can get.  Thomas is one of our go-to sources about COPD.  He has written many blogs about such and has a wealth of information.  Glad you're back here, though sorry about your recent COPD diagnosis.  Quitting is the best thing for it!  

Acerca del autor
I live with my husband, daughter, her husband, and two grandsons which make my life very busy. Since I'm disabled, I volunteer by coordinating a student program at a local hospital. I have smoked for over 40 years.