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Share your quitting journey

9 Days

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9 days sounds like such a short period of time; when using it to describe how long it's been since my last cigarette, it seems like an eternity.  I can't believe I'm a non-smoker.  I did it!  No gum, no patch, no nervous breakdowns (well, maybe a little one).  I did it out of sheer will power.  Lots of temptation but I never faltered.  My sense of smell is slowly returning to me.  I haven't gained any noticeable weight, but it is amazing how much better food tastes now.  I never thought I could do it on my own.  Thanks to the Ex community for your blogs that kept me inspired for those trying first days.  I know my journey is never-ending, but I feel I have what it takes to stay smoke free forever.  You know how many vacations I can afford now that I'm not spending $75 a week on cigarettes?!?