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Connect with others living with health conditions


Does anybody have Schizophrenia and have a problem with hearing voices?

I have Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and have been diagnosed as schizoaffective and it started when I was 20 years old and I'm 53 years old now. I started smoking cigarettes back then and have been smoking for 32 years now. I have tried to quit smoking using the patches, gum, lozenges, spray, bupropion, Chantix, acupuncture, chamomile tea and have only been able to quit smoking temporarily each time. I forgot how many times I tried to quit smoking but I have always relapsed. I have a problem with hearing voices which is a symptom of Schizophrenia and I have a psychiatrist who I talk to and she prescribes my medication. I'm not going to give up on quitting smoking and keep trying until I succeed. I just wanted to know if anyone else is going through this. 

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@j3ffmeadowsgm You're not worthless.   Try some positive affirmations.  "I am worthy of happiness".



I am missing several days in a row. It is Saturday night live and I am without television. There is no Saturday night live SNL for me to watch. What shall I do ?.

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I'm sorry about your situation. I hope things have improved for you. Your perspective on, "I am addicted to the pain that smoking creates.", makes so much sense. I suppose all of us have used cigarettes and self-harmed without truly realizing what we were doing. 


@jewlz23 I think we all will be received in Graceland. I watched a Paul Simon special on television. 


@j3ffmeadowsgm  Hi! I just did a search for Paul Simon and found his Graceland video. I am going to watch now. Thank you! I hope today is a good one for you!


My mom had both diagnoses of Schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder. Through genes, some of that passed down to me. I don't hear voices, but mine is more internal and hearing my own negative voice. I have a lot of empathy for anyone with this diagnosis as I grew up with my mom having it and it wasn't always rainbows around the house. I can relate more and I do have the ups/downs of bi-polar and that scares me because right now I am hypomanic and I can feel it. But I also know how lows my lows can get. It is worrying me just a bit, but I guess it is what it is. The problem is when I am so low, I can't reach out for help. I push everyone away and just want to be left alone. So although I may not exactly understand, I have some understanding of mental struggles. 

I also know we are much stronger than we realize. Health struggles brought me to my "come-to-Jesus-again" moment, but for each of us it is different. I know you can do this. I smoked for 44 years 30-35 cigs/day and I never thought I could quit. I am only 6 days nicotine free, but I know if I give in just once, it will just set me back and I have to start over. That is how my mind is working right now. I don't want to go back. I want to go forward. 

Good luck to you....I support you and I believe in you! ❤️


I just realized this is a much older post.....I don't you if you are still there Jiquxx, but I hope things went well for you!


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@jewlz23 Even though the original post was older, there are some recent comments so feel free to add yours to the mix.   I'm sure they'll be appreciated.  



Hi, I do as well.  I too was diagnosed with mild schizophrenia in my 20’s after taking on a smoking habit and smoking marijuana medicinally to make my way through heartbreak from a school shooting and an affair my father had that he tangled me up in.  I have a pretty spiritual character and relied on cigarettes to get me to a “sacred” place.  However, this place started populating with visions and voices.  I am embarking on my quit smoking journey for my 7 year old son, my husband, and my broader family.  I am encouraged by the idea of making it to a mindful place where, abstaining from cigarettes I gain some confidence and self control which will encourage a quieter sacred place, where visions and voices no longer plague me, nor the urge to smoke those stinky things whenever I feel unsettled, which- to be honest, only exacerbates things.  Thank you for sharing, I wish you the best in your endeavors to quit smoking!  And may it bring you peace of mind! 


@Beaubien14  Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your first day smoke free.  Thank you for sharing your experience.  We're here for you, so reach out anytime we can help. 

This link has to great information to help with your journey.

Stay busy and stay close
