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Health Concious

some information you might like to know.... Years of smoking cigarettes make the body more toxic and acidic and the first step in detoxification is to get the body alkaline.

A daily Green Smoothie is the perfect alkaline food to bring your body back to a healthy pH. The fiber in the smoothie helps to sweep out toxins through the bowel, naturally. Greens are high in chlorophyll and the chlorophyll helps to repair free radical damage caused by the toxins in the cigarettes. Greens also help to stabilize sugar levels and that will be much needed as the body rebalances its adrenals.

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What I been doing is just googling green drinks and I also have saved alot of different drinks on I love that site......But i would like to hear if anyone has a favorite drink that you can share....ty

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I think i am going to try this drink, I do not have cancer but you never know, so i don't it would hurt to try



This MIRACLE DRINK has been circulating for a long time long
ago.It is worth your while to take note. There is a celebrity Mr. Seto who swears by it. He wants to make it public to draw the
attention of people who have cancers. This is a drink that can protect bad cells forming in your body or it will restrain its growth! Mr. Seto had lung cancer.

He was recommended to take this drink by a famous Herbalist from China. He has taken this drink diligently for 3 months and now his health is restored,and he is ready to take a pleasure trip. Thanks to this drink! It does not hurt for you to try.

It is like a Miracle Drink! It is simple.

You need one beet root, onecarrot and one apple that
combine together to make the JUICE! Wash the above, cut with the skin on into pieces and put them into the juicer and
immediately you drink the juice.

You can add some lime or lemon for more refreshing taste.
This Miracle Drink will be effective for the following ailments:

1. Prevent cancer cells to develop.It will restrain cancer cells to grow.
2. Prevent liver, kidney,pancreas diseaseand it can cure ulcer
as well.
3. Strengthen the lung, prevent heart attack and high blood
4. Strengthen the immune system
5. Good for the eyesight, eliminate red and tired eyes or dry eyes
6. Help to eliminate pain from physical training, muscle ache
7. Detoxify, assist bowel movement, eliminate constipation.Therefore it will make skin healthy & LOOK more radiant.It is God sent for acne problem.
8. Improve bad breath due to indigestion, throat infection,
10. Assist Hay Fever Sufferer from Hay Fever attack.

There is absolutely no side effect. Highly nutritious and easily
absorbed.Very effective if you need to loose weight.You will notice your immune system will be improved after 2 week routine.

Please make sure to drink immediately from the juicer for
best effect.

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I am going to try the drink I do have 90 days smoke free,also I take an herb called  lobelia to build and keep your lungs healthy I was taking this herb even when I smoked  and in may 2013 lungs very can get lobelia at any herb store.. The herbalist has also informed me that taking catnip and lobelia together will help improve chances of stop smoking.. But I do know that both of these herbs are good for us

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 thank you for the information I am going to look in lobelia sounds good....

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I am working on a vegan diet. I have thought about making that commitment for years and I feel my body needs a break from animal fats and meat. I feel with out the sugar's and preservatives I will start to thrive. Is there anyone out there that has considered changing to a veggie diet?

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6 D's (when you get a craving, urge, thought)


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This Group will be demonstrating a Two Day Detox to kick start our journey to being non-smokers with a healthy lifestyle on Sunday February 2nd at 4pm Central time(Chicago). Please Look for me on Facebook and friend me with a message containing our groups name so that we may collaberate in chat. You can find me at Heather Copeland.

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I am also quitting with no prescription help or nicotine replacement. quit day 18 here. i have already gained too much weight over the holidays, and would like to quit without gaining another 10 pounds!!! Interested in this group, but today is first day on this site and not sure how to navigate it very well yet.

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Hello everyone,


I have just passed my"100" day mark - yeah!!!  I am feeling very scared, because the urges seem to be coming the more I get to the 4 month mark or "120" day mark. 

I have talked about this with some of the other members, the message I keep getting is that when you pass "120" days, you have made it through a big hurdle!!


I don't know, but please pray for me so I can continue my journey - smile!!


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