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Health Concious

some information you might like to know.... Years of smoking cigarettes make the body more toxic and acidic and the first step in detoxification is to get the body alkaline.

A daily Green Smoothie is the perfect alkaline food to bring your body back to a healthy pH. The fiber in the smoothie helps to sweep out toxins through the bowel, naturally. Greens are high in chlorophyll and the chlorophyll helps to repair free radical damage caused by the toxins in the cigarettes. Greens also help to stabilize sugar levels and that will be much needed as the body rebalances its adrenals.

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32 Replies

Thank you for this great information. I will absolutely be drinking a green smoothie everyday.

0 Kudos

I would love to try some recipes, where can I find them? Are there any particular ones that are smooth when blended. I don't mind the greens in my smoothies but I don't particularly like when the it's not smooth. 


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You might just try googling "green smoothies."  I did and this is one that came up @stmand92   :  

1 cup frozen fruit (banana, mixed berries, tropical mix)

1 cup of fresh greens (spinach, kale or arugula

1/2 - 1 cup milk (almond, soy, coconut, cows, etc.

1/2 TBSP ground seed (flax, chia, etc)