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Quitting smoking and replacing it with exercise

My quit date is 5/30. I’m excited but need to replace the obsession of smoking with something healthy. I put together a plan and have an accountability partner. I am feeling good about it. And know I can. I am a little overweight and am not very healthy. So I am a little nervous about using exercise as a substitute. I know it’ll take a little time to feel better. Is there anyone who has a suggestion on how to stay on track. How to stay motivated and to not give up.


11 Replies

@Nikkirioux  That's a great idea.  Not only is exercise good for your health, it also helps to replace the dopamine we lose when we quit smoking.

Start of slow and work your way up.  Walking is an excellent way to begin.   But there are lots of things that you can substitute instead of smoking. What are you interested in?  It can be  new hobby, music, video games, time with a pet, etc.  It doesn't have to be one thing.

Great that you are planning in advance.  That's the way to be prepared for life events.  

Tomorrow is the big day.  That's fabulous.



Thanks Barb! It’s going well for my first day! I have a couple people I work/live with that make life uncomfortable so I am prepping myself to not let them effect my quit smoking journey. 


@Nikkirioux Congrats on your first day smoke free.  

We're here for you if you need us!



This is so hard!


@Nikkirioux Good morning.   Yes it is.  It took me at least 7 attempts and 50 years to quit smoking.   But the quitters here are proof that it can be done.  Glad you're reaching out.   We're here to celebrate your success with you.

Continue to stay close, keep busy, and go for a walk if you can.  Just a short walk kept me on track by refocusing my thinking.

Are you taking the Daily Pledge?  Many find it helpful to keep their commitment one  day at a time.



I had the same quit day. I found a pack today, smoked one and threw the rest away.  We have to remember we’re just fighting that next urge, and it doesn’t last that long.  Lots of cold water and sugar free gum has helped me, and strangely enough... beef jerky, which I never eat!  I just wanted to chew on something, and the peppery flavor is great, plus it keeps me from eating a big meal, which is a trigger for me.  Good luck!


That’s great! I sell essential oils and black pepper is actually helpful for addictions! I love it!


Happy quit day. It is great that you have a plan and a support system. We will also support you on your quit journey. Remember it is a journey and not an event.  I would suggest to journalize your journey to help you stay on track. Come here each day and let us know how you doing and any support or questions that you need we will assist. Make your day one be a day WON. You can do this!


Thank you so much for your support! I had a slip but am still going forward! It is really hard but I know I can. With God and such wonderful people around me. I’m having a hard time with a transitional/ Christian based home I am living in. Some of the women aren’t very supportive and try to trigger me. I’m not going to lean on them though. With God all things are possible!