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Health Concious

some information you might like to know.... Years of smoking cigarettes make the body more toxic and acidic and the first step in detoxification is to get the body alkaline.

A daily Green Smoothie is the perfect alkaline food to bring your body back to a healthy pH. The fiber in the smoothie helps to sweep out toxins through the bowel, naturally. Greens are high in chlorophyll and the chlorophyll helps to repair free radical damage caused by the toxins in the cigarettes. Greens also help to stabilize sugar levels and that will be much needed as the body rebalances its adrenals.

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32 Replies

This sounds like a good group and i would like to join it but i don't know how.  I need help.  I'm new to this but I like your description.  I know it's a mind thing and i need help with that.  If any suggestions, please write back.

Marla 😉

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Hi Marla =D  I'm sorta new at this too.... I sent you a friends request and I think I can add you to the group then.....You can message me too if you would like.  Thanks!

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Yay, I found the group and figured out how to join, didn't see the Join Group option first time visiting. 🙂 To introduce myself, I am Michelle going to be 47 and have a 2 year old and 5 year old whom really keep me on my toes and I need to, quit smoking for them! Summer is coming and they of course are very active and I struggle to even walk up stairs, I feel 80 years old, my weight limits me as well, so going to get into a mind set of just getting healthy all around! I am a hand to mouth smoker I think moe than needing the nicotibe, so going to take up some crafting projects and may have to start out with an e-cig these next 8 days, then going to try the patch, Set my quit date for my Dad's Birthday whom was recently diagnosed with chronic lung diesease which has been progressing rapidly! 😞 I have been tracking my triggers and think I have come up with some solutions to help me overcome each one as they come! One day at a time right? 🙂

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Hi all This is about my 4th time trying to Quit. Im praying to stay quit this time. iam nervous about gaining weight since i had a hysterectomy 6 months ago and gained 9 pounds since then...I do not need to gain anymore, I have been walking a mile a day for the past week and im so out of shape ...Im sure the smoking had nothing to do with that ha ha .Looking for any pointers anyone like to share to help stay Quit ( in 5 days is my quit date) & in shape!

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HI, I am currently trying to quit smoking for the 4th time. I know where I went wrong the other times so I am using that information to help me be more successful this time. I am tired of being controlled by smoking. I hate the smell and am embarassed at times to be seen smoking. I am working with Chantix again only this time I will go the whole 12 weeks. In the past I have not followed through with the entire 12 week process for the patch or the Chantix. It is indeed the hardest thing that I ever had to do but I need to get healthy so I can live a longer and better life.

BTW  i am new to this website and just joined the group. On the right side it says join group. just click there.

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New to this site. I think this may help me more than anything else I've tried. Support is great to have when trying to do something that's difficult. My actual quit date id a few months away but I want to be sure I'm well prepared. I strted smoking at 11 and now I'm 38. Can't count how many times I attempted to quit (at least 6 of those attempts were serious). I'm here because I want to live and I want a family some day.

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Ok a new week is upon me and i am hoping i can fight the weight like i am fighting my cravings for cigarettes. I know it is a lot of stress to put on oneself but if I don't control this I am going to be back at the weight I worked so hard to take off. I would love to see some recipes posted for low fat, low calories meals. I just need more suggestions on different foods to eat that will leave me satisfied. The weight gain during this time can be very detrimental to the quit. I need to at least maintain the weight while going through this. Here's to another day.

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Greetings and Welcome.  Generally the groups and forums here are not where most of the activity takes place.  Please check the dates of the responses on the group and see if there are any recent ones before posting your own.  If the posts look old you're unlikely to get a response to yours.
The majority of the support community here reside in the Blogs.  It's one of the blue tabs above. The best way to introduce yourself and gain the greatest support is to write a blog yourself.  We're eager to meet you.  Simply click on the Blog tab, then on "write a blog post," give it a title, type in the body and click on "Publish."  Look forward to seeing your there!

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Notice that there are changes in your skin when you quit smoking.  Your skin feels softer.  Your pores get smaller.  Believe it or not smoking really does age your skin.

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I do believe that smoking definitely ages our skin, I will check in here later time to start my bread. ☺

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